Tag Archives: patriot journalism


JADE HELM 15 and the American Massacre

 JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill”

Thursday, April 23, 2015

by Jim Fetzer

Something is wrong at Veterans Today. A former Marine, who has published many articles here, was slammed by Gordon Duff and by Jim Dean for perpetrating “a hoax” by raising concerns about this mysterious “training op” called JADE HELM. I admire VT and like Gordon personally, although from time to time we have a divergence in our point of view. I have never felt as positive about Jim Dean because, as an old-time reporter and editor, he has come across to me as having an anti-academic prejudice, which I as a former professor have sensed from our initial encounters. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Robert O'Dowd But let’s consider the case of this article and its author, Robert O’Dowd. Although I had not read any of his work at VT before, I thought it was raising a perfectly appropriate issue as to whether or not JADE HELM, which is an operation that covers at least seven states (and now seems to have expanded to five or six more) could possibly be the cover for imposing martial law under the pretext of conducting operations in urban settings, which are meant to train personnel “for foreign operations”, where nothing about this has struck me as right from the beginning. As a consequence, I was glad to see he had published about it: O'Dowd's article with Editor's Note But I could hardly believe the response from Gordon and Jim. Not only did they “tag team” Robert and imply that he had been played for a sap but asserted that, “We have checked our sources who would be in a position to know if something like this were going on, and it categorically is not.” The problem with this approach is that we ordinary readers are not in the position to verify “their sources”. This is a classic appeal to authority, where we are supposed to take their word for it. And while I might be disposed to accept those assurances on routine matters, in this instance, the case of JADE HELM is anything but “routine”.

Jim Dean piles on

It further astonished me that Jim Dean would reiterate his and Gordon’s position in both the facebook and ordinary comments sections on O’Dowd’s article, which you can easily confirm for yourself. This left some readers, such as Bonny Amey, at a loss as to exactly what was going on. And, indeed, others expressed concern, even in the ordinary comments section, where O’Dowd (in my view, with complete justification) submitted his resignation as a journalist for VT on facebook, explaining that he did not appreciate being used as a whipping boy for having published “a bogus story”, especially when the facts are still in doubt: Jim Dean comment Exchange between Bonnie and O'Dowd Robert O'Dowd's resignation

So is this “a bogus story”?

The fellow who seems to be arranging this op and speaking about it in public is one Tony Mead, where his characterization of “JADE HELM” is reasonably elaborate, involving the use of Army Green Berets, Navy SEALS and representatives of the other branches of the US military, which suggests that those who have asserted that this only involves “the national guard” appear to be wrong. Indeed, if what he is telling us in this video presentation is correct, then the appeal to “the national guard” is a bogus story, which troubles me because I heard it from Gordon Duff. But perhaps he had not looked into the situation deeply enough.

If Gordon had not looked into the situation “deeply enough”, however, then it makes no sense for him to have attacked Robert’s article and assailed him as a dupe who was pushing “a bogus story”. I was troubled enough by all of this that I brought together a group of four guests, including Terri from Nebraska (who had sent me many links), Robert O’Dowd himself (as the one who had raised this issue on VT), Preston James (whom I regard as one of the most astute intellects I have ever known), and last but not least (as a late arrival), Dennis Cimino (with whom I have co-authored multiple articles here) to try to sort all this out:

While I think we made progress in sorting this out, none of our considerations supported the idea that this was “a bogus story” and that no one should be concerned. It came as news to me when my producer, Chance, observed that a parallel operation is taking place in Canada under the name of “Maple Resolve”, which includes closing some 133 Target Stores, not merely for the two months the operation is officially supposed to run but for nine months at the cost of some 17,000 jobs, where their former employees are even being encouraged to find other lines of work. In my opinion, this alters the equation and leaves no doubt:

What conclusion should we draw?

Dave Hodges-Canadian troops to assist US Several features of “the big picture” strike me as enormously important. Walmart and Target are stores with mass appeal for the middle and lower class of both Canadian and American society. That some 15 Walmarts should be taken over in the United States alone and now another 133 Targets in Canada is alarming! There is nothing “bogus” about this story. And other sources, such as David Hodges’ “Common Sense Show” have made equally telling observations about the redistribution of resources for a purported “training op” when it entails the dismissal of 17,000 employees, who no doubt are being left in desperate straits: Operation Maple Leaf Some simple calculations

So what conclusions do I draw from my investigations to this date? Gordon Duff and Jim Dean were wrong to censor Robert O’Dowd, whose article was entirely appropriate for a journal devoted to “clandestine activities”. JADE HELM is not a “training op” but something far more serious. When you calculate the profits per store to Walmart and to Target, they are taking an enormous hit, which can only be for some transcendent purpose that override “the conduct of business as usual”. (We are talking about billions of dollars in lost profits, not to mention the loss of highly qualified, experienced personnel to stock products, to resupply those facilities and to process check outs and deliveries.) As an investigative journalist for Veterans Today, I am committed to doing my best to expose the truth, even when it conflicts with the views of Gordon Duff and Jim Dean, who are at liberty to deal with me as severely as they dealt with Robert O’Dowd. I am committed to serve my nation and its best interests, which I do, come what may.

Friday, May 1, 2015

JADE HELM and the American Massacre

By Zen Gardner 

8 47
I’m prefacing my thoughts with this provocative title for a reason. What is being perpetrated on the American people is virtually a complete dissembling of everything they supposedly hold dear and will only lead to their ultimate destruction. A nationwide massacre of their infrastructure, personal rights and protection, and even livelihoods and food security is not only at stake, but now in progress.

Here are the key points about JADE HELM:

1. Jade Helm is a military exercise endorsed by the American government and perpetrated on its own people in complete violation of not just the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 but is a total affront on every civil liberty the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is supposed to espouse and maintain.
2. Occupying sovereign territory with a nation’s own armies indicates the very people for which a government was established to help provide for and protect are their declared enemy.
3. The fabricated external threat of terrorism has been deftly translated into meaning that anyone challenging the status quo, be it political, economic or psycho-spiritual, is the enemy. Not external enemies but domestic, as has always been the case, but openly declared since the first so-called Patriot Act. Dissent has become illegal and they’ve virtually declared any thinking American an enemy of the State with a litany of laws, rules and regulations at their disposal while mechanisms set in place long ago to protect personal rights have been eviscerated.
4. The very massive size of this operation and the vast amounts of military hardware pouring into distribution locations around the country indicates this is not just an exercise, but a stealth occupation, at the very least designed to intimidate and acclimatize the American mindset to living in virtual martial law conditions, while they step up their preparations for worse social conditions to come.
5. As wars rage on against supposed terrorists abroad, targeting a nation’s own citizens in such draconian measures makes absolutely zero sense, when hardly a non-government induced “terror” incident has transpired. Many more have died from medical and pharmaceutical abuse, police killings and even strikes by lightning, along with a host of other causes. Where’s the big brave justice league on the real problems?
6. The inherent doctrines of personal freedom and individual sovereignty are being violated with abject impunity, a repugnant affront on human dignity.
7. The question haunts: Who’s even noticing? Besides those that fall for the supposed need for such a massive operation, how many are totally ignorant that it is even happening?

The Potential Outcome of this Maneuver?
a. Anything could trigger this operation to go “live”, as has happened repeatedly with such staged government sponsored operations.
b. One resisting individual, real, or more plausibly planted, could cause a chain reaction of events that would be devastating.
c. A typical false flag attack on these infiltrating government deployed forces would easily justify a strong armed response, be the incident a lone personal reaction, staged sniper fire, a planted bomb on a military vehicle, or something or things much worse. Such triggers within a staged drill or exercise have proven to work time and again.
d. Problem-reaction-solution. Since they’ve created the problem of imposing military control and its intrusions on personal freedoms, so-called practiced or otherwise, the reaction would no doubt be begged. Once the reaction appears from whatever quarter, real or simply reported to have happened, the justification for full on mobilization against the American people, designed from the outset, goes into play. Confiscation of guns and all potential weapons is clearly on the agenda as they’ve been practicing for years following natural and unnatural disasters. Precious metals, large amounts of cash, and even stockpiled food could easily be on the list as well.


This Jade Helm 15 operation is no simple exercise. At the very least it is conditioning Americans for more control, even less personal freedom in the metastasizing surveillance state, and something worse in the near future. The bare fact remains that too many will fall for it and continue to stand back in fear and obedience to false, illegitimately imposed fascist controls backed by brute force.

The time is now to withdraw your consent and participation in such fear and obeisance mongering.

See what is happening for what it is. And sound the alarm. Our full awareness of the nature of these staged operations and broadcasting it far and wide has pushed them back before, and we can do it again. Let your awareness, indignation and refusal to accept this be known far and wide.
And be prepared. They’re up to no good and it’s all completely staged for specific reasons. Don’t give them the response they want.
Stay lit with truth.
Spread the word, disengage from their systems, and keep your peace.
Love, Zen


http://anonhq.com/ REALHEROSPROOF3posterReal American heroes do not wear uniforms or carry weapons, they tell the truth and fight tyranny.




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Mother Calls NYPD For Help; Cops Racially Assault Her, Send Kids To Foster Care


Mother Calls NYPD For Help; Cops Racially Assault Her, Send Kids To Foster Care

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    March 23rd, 2015

    33% of Americans Out Of Workforce, Highest Since 1978

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Glenn Greenwald- The Intercept

NEW: Julian Assange on Google’s ‘Revolving Door’ with State Department

911: A Conspiracy Theory

Wolfessblog -- Guillotine mediocrity in all its forms!

This has always been one of my faves.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

View original post

Anatomy of a Great Deception : 9-11 Controlled Demolition

AE911Truth’s Presenter Team “Star”

Volunteer Spotlight: Stan Beattie


Stan Beattie holds up David Ray Griffin’s book, The New Pearl Harbor, for his audience to see at a recent 9/11 Truth presentation.tan Beattie, PE, a member of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Presenter Team, became convinced that the official story of the events of September 11, 2001, was false after reading Dr. David Griffin’s book, The New Pearl Harbor, in 2004.

He became so committed to sharing the truth with his fellow Americans that in 2007 he flew from his home outside Detroit, Michigan, to Washington, D.C., to join a protest on the Mall against the Bush surge of the Iraq War. While Stan was walking on the Mall, he met people from DC911Truth, signed their petition, and proudly held up one of their placards. Shortly thereafter, he watched AE911Truth’s two-hour Blueprint for Truth. Since then, he has become both an active member of AE’s Presenter Team and a financial contributor.

Stan also supports Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. In fact, he has visited fire stations in Farmington Hills, near Detroit, and in Brooklyn, New York, and talked with the firefighters about 9/11. One of the people who came up to thank him after his presentation in Brighton, Michigan, said that his son had been to a firefighters’ gathering, where the general feeling was that “controlled demolitions brought the buildings down.”

WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives:

  1. Rapid onset of collapse
  2. Sounds of explosions
  3. Symmetrical structural failure
  4. Free-fall acceleration through the path of what was greatest resistance
  5. Imploded, collapsing completely, landing almost in its own footprint
  6. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds
  7. Expert corroboration from the top European controlled demolition professional
  8. Foreknowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

In the aftermath of WTC7’s destruction, strong evidence of demolition using incendiary devices was discovered:

  1. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples
  2. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly qualified witnesses
  3. Chemical signature of the incendiary thermite found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples

WTC7 exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire:

  1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
  2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)
  3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
  4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never collapsed

As seen in this revealing photo, the Twin Towers’ destruction exhibited all of the characteristics of destruction by explosives:

  1. Destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall acceleration
  2. Improbable symmetry of debris distribution
  3. Extremely rapid onset of destruction
  4. Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes
  5. Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally
  6. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking
  7. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds
  8. 1200-foot-diameter debris field: no “pancaked” floors found
  9. Isolated explosive ejections 20–40 stories below demolition front
  10. Total building destruction: dismemberment of steel frame
  11. Several tons of molten metal found under all 3 high-rises
  12. Evidence of thermite incendiaries found by FEMA in steel samples
  13. Evidence of explosives found in dust samples

The three high-rises exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire:

  1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
  2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)
  3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
  4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer-lasting fires have never collapsed

WhoWhatWhy.com informs readers of NYC ballot initiative

Sept-newsletter-whowhatwhyEditor’s Note: Investigative reporter Russ Baker launched the online publication WhoWhatWhy.com five years ago to do what he calls “forensic journalism”—that is, reporting that is “rigorous, relentless, and scientific.” Sounds like a description of AE911Truth’s research, doesn’t it? In mid-August, Baker wrote an article about the NYC Coalition for Accountability NOW (NYC CAN), and interviewed its founder, Ted Walter. You can read the piece here:

Putting a 9/11 Mystery on the Ballot

I was standing blocks from Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex and staring directly at it when it collapsed.

Working for the Los Angeles Times, I had arrived at the World Trade Center as the South and North Tower were making their rapid and deadly descents in the morning. That afternoon, I called in a series of reports to a staffer in the New York bureau.

I was literally on the phone with the office at 5:21 p.m., describing the fires burning in the structure as the building began—and completed—its remarkably fast, smooth descent to the ground. I described the building neatly pancaking, and the Pulitzer Prize winner on the other end taking my dictation declared: “That sounds like a controlled demolition.”

It’s likely that no one has given more presentations on this subject than Stan other than AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, according to Daniel Noel, AE911Truth’s Presenter Team leader. Noel is especially impressed with how many ways Stan finds to get the word out both in his own community (where he calls upon his broad range of contacts in the non-profit world, leaflets in various neighborhoods, and reaches out to people he doesn’t know) and beyond his community. “Stan travels far away from home just to present AE911Truth to the public, and he systematically looks for presentation opportunities wherever he goes,” recounts Noel.

Between when he joined the Presenter Team in 2010 and the end of 2012, Stan gave 12 presentations about 9/11 Truth. In the 18 months since then, he’s made another 15 presentations in Michigan, Florida, and Washington, D.C. The wide variety of groups he has spoken to include Rotary Clubs, the Destroyer Escort Sailors Association, Mid-Michigan Atheists and Humanists, the Southeast Michigan Mensa organization, Grey Panthers, and Ann Arbor Science and Skeptics. Most recently, he was invited to give a presentation on July 25 at the Veterans for Peace Convention, which was held at the University of North Carolina in Asheville.

One time Stan presented the evidence to a group of 16 at a friend’s home. Later his friend called and told him that several people who attended the gathering said they’d had trouble sleeping that night and wished there had been a follow-up meeting to discuss the 9/11 events.

Sometimes Stan isn’t the presenter but organizes presentations for others. For example, in 2011 he secured a venue for Richard Gage to speak at Lawrence Technological University in Detroit. At the event was a Fox News reporter, who invited Richard to the studio to be interviewed on that night’s 10 PM local news broadcast.

Stan’s reward for all this volunteer work is simply the “satisfaction I get from fulfilling a mission,” as he puts it. “I’m motivated by a quest for justice.”

If you would like to help introduce the truth of 9/11 to fellow Americans — or citizens of any country — consider joining the AE911Truth Presenter Team. Simply fill out a volunteer form. Just think: You will have the opportunity of showing the evidence to people who have never been exposed to it before. This could well advance the cause of securing a real investigation. Stan Beattie, for one, is sure you won’t have any regrets.

Anatomy of a Great Deception  ||  Times Square Digital Billboard   ||  Actions in New York City

Updated Details & Lineup here.


Streaming video from AE911Truth events

Many of our New York City Events will be carried live by Jeff Durkin of WeAreChange Connecticut! Simply visit:


Covered events include (but not limited to)

September 11-13th — Street Actions in NYC

September 11 — AE911Truth Press Conference     11AM EDT

September 11 — NYC Premiere: Anatomy of a Great Deception     2 PM EDT

September 13 — AE911Truth Symposium     2 PM EDT


Great Recent AE911Truth Radio Interviews

August 21 —  Alex Jones Radio Show (15-min)

September 4 —  George Noory – Coast to Coast AM (2-hrs)

September 10 —  James Corbett – Corbett Report (20-min)

September 11 —  Jesse Ventura PodCastOne – We the People (30-min) – (Note – pre-recorded doesn’t air until Sept 11)

The Anatomy of a Great Deception

We will be sharing and screening all around the world the powerful new movie, The Anatomy of a Great Deception, which will be premiering this September:

Sept 5 Detroit, MI Fillmore Theater
Sept 11 New York City Theater 80 — Tickets
Sept 11 Houston, TX Bayland Park Center Houston 911Truth
Sept 11 Tempe, AZ ASU Campus
Sept 11 Oakland, CA Grand Lake TheaterSF911Truth
Sept 11 West Hartford, CT Auerbach Auditorium in Hillyer Hall — CT 9/11 Truth
Sept 11 Austin, TX Brave New Books
Sept 11 Washington, DC Busboys and Poets
Sept 13 McQueeney, TX Silver Eagle Taphouse






We will be sharing and screening all around the world the powerful new movie The Anatomy of a Great Deception which will be premiering this September at the locations above. If you cannot attend in person you can watch the live web-stream and/or watch the video archive for 30 days at this link.

Full 3 Day Schedule Available here

New York City Actions

Thursday 9/11/14

Our outreach efforts will be held at Ground Zero near the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, where we’ll inform the public about what they won’t find there by handing out the  alternative guide to the museum.

11 AM:   AE911Truth Press Conference

2 PM:   NYC Premiere — The Anatomy of a Great Deception, Theater 80, East Village. Get Tickets here.

Friday 9/12/14

10 AM:   Outreach at 9/11 Memorial Park, corner of Liberty St. & Greenwich St.

3 PM:    Outreach actions at the Times Square ReThink911 Billboard

7 PM:   9/11 Truth Café – Live music and socializing at 6th Street Community Center, 638 East 6th Street, between Avenues B & C in the East Village

Saturday 9/13/14

2 PM: Symposium — “The 9/11 Awakening Goes Mainstream.”  Speakers include: 9/11 survivor Ricki D.; attorney William Pepper; firefighter Rudy Dent; architects Bill Brinnier and Richard Gage; family members Bob McIlvaine, Vance Green, and Catherine Montano. Get Tickets here.

For those who cannot be in New York with us, we urge you to host your own screening of The Anatomy of a Great Deception – the “ultimate red pill.”

As you can see, the 13th anniversary events will be action-packed. Please spread the word and stand by for more details!

New 9/11 Survivor Provides Explosive New Evidence

The truth is coming

Chris Hedges: The Disease of Imperialism + Transcript

Dandelion Salad

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

ontheearthproduction on Sep 15, 2014

{revolution} Image by Teresa Robinson via Flickr

Hedges speaks to thousands at this years 13th annual Fighting Bob Fest Chautauqua. The Progressive, Madison, WI

View original post 54 more words