Sheldon Wolin: Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist? Part 5, interviewed by Chris Hedges

Dandelion Salad

capitalism Image by Mary Crandall via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

TheRealNews on Oct 30, 2014

Journalist Chris Hedges and political philosopher Sheldon Wolin discuss his time in the academy and the role of universities in post-war United States history.

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Sheldon Wolin: Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist? Part 4, interviewed by Chris Hedges

Dandelion Salad

Capitalism killed democracy Image by ecolabs via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

TheRealNews on Oct 27, 2014

Journalist Chris Hedges and political philosopher Sheldon Wolin discuss the concept of “inverted totalitarianism” and its relevance for understanding contemporary politics.

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The first letter and attachment are from DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS 1984 microfilms under MKULTRA (84) 002258, published by Research Publication Woodbridge, CT 06525. Some original markings were not retyped, but the content is the same.

The second letter and attachment are from the Warren Commission documents. Notice should be paid to the different tone Helms gives to his letter, keeping in mind he was found guilty of lying to Congress. He places greater emphasis on “Soviet” practices and tries to diminish breakthroughs gained by Americans. Some thought should be given as to WHY the Warren Commission sought such documents (remembering that ALLEN DULLES was a member of that Commission). They were exploring the Manchurian candidate theory. It was revealed during the Church Committee hearings of 1975 that Helms had been in charge of Project AMLASH, a program to assassinate Castro (Cuba),Trujillo (Dominican Republic), Diem (RVN), Schneider (Chile) using MAFIA figures John Roselli and Santos Trafficante to do the job.

Care was used to insure lines appear in same length and order. Page length will have to be adjusted if you desire to print this. Look for other specials soon. David John Moses.


MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
SUBJECT : Brainwashing

The attached study on brainwashing was prepared by my staff in response to the increasing acute interest in the subject throughout the intelligence and security components of the Government. I feel you will find it well worth your personal attention. It represents the thinking of leading psy- chologists, psychiatrists and intelligence specialists, based in turn on interviews with many individuals who have had personal experience with Communist brainwashing, and on extensive research and testing. While individuals specialists hold divergent views on various aspects of this most complex subject, I believe the study reflects a synthesis of majority expert opinion. I will, of course, appreciate any comments on it that you or your staff may have.

Allen W. Dulles


OA 53-37


The report that follows is a condensation of a study by training experts of the important classified and unclassified information available on this subject.


Brainwashing, as a technique, has been used for centuries and is no mystery to psychologists. In this sense, brainwashing means involuntary re-education of basic beliefs and values. All people are being re-educated continually. New information changes one’s beliefs. Everyone has experienced to some degree the conflict that ensues when new information is not consistent with prior belief. The experience of the brainwashed individual differs in that the inconsistent information is forced upon the individual under controlled conditions after the possibility of critical judgment has been removed by a variety of methods.

There is no question that an individual can be broken psychologically by captors with knowledge and willingness to persist in techniques aimed at deliberately destroying the integration of a personality. Although it is probable that everyone reduced to such a confused, disoriented state will respond to the introduction of new beliefs, this cannot be stated dogmatically.


There are progressive steps in exercising control over an individual and changing his behaviour and personality integration. The following five steps are typical of behaviour changes in any controlled individual:

1. Making the individual aware of control is the first stage in changing his behaviour. A small child is made aware of the physical and psychological control of his parents and quickly recognizes that an overwhelming force must be reckoned with. So, a controlled adult comes to recognize the overwhelming powers of the state and the im- personal, “incarcerative” machinery in which he is enmeshed. The individual recognizes that definite limits have been put upon the ways he can respond.

2. Realization of his complete dependence upon the controlling system is a major factor in the controlling of his behavior.The controlled adult is forced to accept the fact that food, tobacco,praise, and the only social contact that he will get come from the very interrogator who exercises control over him.

3. The awareness of control and recognition of dependence result in causing internal conflict and breakdown of previous patterns of behaviour. Although this transition can be relatively mild in the case of a child, it is almost invariably severe for the adult undergoing brainwashing. Only an individual who holds his values lightly can change them easily. Since the brainwasher-interrogators aim to have the individuals undergo profound emotional change, they force their victims to seek out painfully what is desired by the controlling individual. During this period the victim is likely to have a mental breakdown characterized by delusions and hallucinations.

4. Discovery that there is an acceptable solution to his problem is the first stage of reducing the individual’s conflict. It is characteristically reported by victims of brainwashing that this discovery led to an overwhelming feeling of relief that the horror of internal conflict would cease and that perhaps they would not, after all, be driven insane. It is at this point that they are prepared to make major changes in their value-system. This is an automatic rather than voluntary choice. They have lost their ability to be critical.

5. Reintegration of values and identification with the controlling system is the final stage in changing the behaviour of the controlled individual. A child who has learned a new, socially desirable behaviour demonstrates its importance by attempting to adapt the new behaviour to a variety of other situations. Similar states in the brainwashed adult are


pitiful. His new value-system, his manner of perceiving,organizing,and giving meaning to events, is virtually independent of his former value system. He is no longer capable of thinking or speaking in concepts other than those he has adopted. He tends to identify by expressing thanks to his captors for helping him see the light.Brainwashing can be achieved without using illegal means.Anyone willing to use known principles of control and reactions to control and capable of demonstrating the patience needed in raising a child can probably achieve successful brainwashing.


A description of usual communist control techniques follows.

1. Interrogation. There are at least two ways in which “interrogation” is used:

a. Elicitation, which is designed to get the individual to surrender protected information, is a form of interrogation. One major difference between elicitation and interrogation used to achieve brainwashing is that the mind of the individual must be kept clear to permit coherent, undistorted disclosure of protected information.

b. Elicitation for the purpose of brainwashing consists of questioning,argument,indoctrination,threats,cajolery,praise,hostility, and a variety of other pressures. The aim of this interrogation is to hasten the breakdown of the individual’s value system and to encourage the substitution of a different value-system. The procurement of protected information is secondary and is used as a device to increase pressure upon the individual. The term “interrogation” in this paper will refer, in general, to this type. The “interrogator” is the individual who conducts this type of interrogation and who controls the administration of the other pressures. He is the protagonist against whom the victim develops his conflict, and upon whom the victim develops a state of dependency as he seeks some solution to his conflict.

2. Physical Torture and Threats of Torture. Two types of physical torture are distinguishable more by their psychological effect in inducing conflict than by the degree of painfulness:

a. The first type is one in which the victim has a passive role in the pain inflicted on him (e.g.,beatings). His conflict involves the decision of whether or not to give in to demands in order to avoid further pain. Generally, brutality of this type was not found to achieve the desired results. Threats of torture were found more effective, as fear of pain causes greater conflict within the individual than does pain itself.

b. The second type of torture is represented by requiring the individual to stand in one spot for several hours or assume some other pain-inducing position. Such a requirement often engenders in the individual a determination to “stick it out.” This internal act of resistance provide a feeling of moral superiority at first. As time passes and his pain mounts,however, the individual becomes aware that it is his own original determination to resist that is causing the continuance of pain. A conflict develops within the individual between his moral determination and his desire to collapse and discontinue the pain. It is this extra internal conflict, in addition to the conflict over whether or not to give in to the demands made of him, that tends to make this method of torture more effective in the breakdown of the individual personality.

3. Isolation. Individual differences in reaction to isolation are probably greater than to any other method. Some individuals appear to be able to withstand prolonged periods of isolation without deleterious effects, while a relatively short period of isolation reduces others to the verge of psychosis. Reaction varies with the conditions of the isolation cell. Some sources have indicated a strong reaction to filth and vermin, although they had negligible reactions to the isolation. Others reacted violently to isolation in relatively clean cells. The predominant cause of breakdown in such situations is a lack of sensory stimulation (i.e.,grayness of walls,lack of sound,absence of social contact,etc.). Experimental subjects exposed to this condition have reported vivid hallucinations and overwhelming fears of losing their sanity.

4. Control of Communication. This is one of the most effective methods for creating a sense of helplessness and despair. This measure might well be considered the cornerstone of the communist system of control. It consists of strict regulation of the mail,reading materials, broadcast materials, and social contact available to the individual. The need to communicate is so great that when the usual channels are blocked, the individual will resort to any open channel, almost regardless of the implications of using that particular channel. Many POWs in Korea, whose only act of “collaboration” was to sign petitions and “peace appeals,” defended their actions on the ground that this was the only method of letting the outside world know they were still alive. Many stated that their morale and fortitude would have been increased immeasurably had leaflets of encouragement been dropped to them. When the only contact with the outside world is via the interrogator, the prisoner comes to develop extreme dependency on his interrogator and hence loses another prop to his morale.

Another wrinkle in communication control is the informer system. The recruitment of informers in POW camps discouraged communication between inmates.POWs who feared that every act or thought of resistance would be communicated to the camp administrators, lost faith in their fellow man and were forced to “untrusting individualism.” Informers are also under several stages of brainwashing and elicitation to develop and maintain control over the victims.

5. Induction of Fatigue. This is a well-known device for breaking will power and critical powers of judgment. Deprivation of sleep results in more intense psychological debilitation than does any other method of engendering fatigue. The communists vary their methods. “Conveyor belt” interrogation that last 50-60 hours will make almost any individual compromise, but there is danger that this will kill the victim. It is safer to conduct interrogations of 8-10 hours at night while forcing the prisoner to remain awake during the day. Additional interruptions in the remaining 2-3 hours of allotted sleep quickly reduce the most resilient individual . Alternate administration of drug stimulants and depressants hastens the process of fatigue and sharpens the psychological reactions of excitement and depression.

Fatigue, in addition to reducing the will to resist,also produces irritation and fear that arise from increased “slips of the tongue.” forgetfulness, and decreased ability to maintain orderly thought processes.

6. Control of Food,Water and Tobacco. The controlled individual is made intensely aware of his dependence upon his interrogator for the quality and quantity of his food and tobacco. The exercise of this control usually follows a pattern. No food and little or no water is permitted the individual for several days prior to interrogation. When the prisoner first complains of this to the interrogator, the latter expresses surprise at such inhumane treatment. He makes a demand of the prisoner. If the latter complies,he receives a good meal. If he does not, he gets a diet of unappetizing food containing limited vitamins,minerals, and calories. This diet is supplemented occasionally by the interrogator if the prisoner “cooperates.” Studies of controlled starvation indicate that the whole value-system of the subjects underwent a change. Their irritation increased as their ability to think clearly decreased. The control of tobacco presented an even greater source of conflict for heavy smokers. Because tobacco is not necessary to life, being manipulated by his craving for it can in the individual a strong sense of guilt.

7. Criticism and Self-Criticism. There are mechanisms of communist thought control. Self-criticism gains its effectiveness from the fact that although it is not a crime for a man to be wrong, it is a major crime to be stubborn and to refuse to learn. Many individuals feel intensely relieved in being able to share their sense of guilt. Those individuals however, who have adjusted to handling their guilt internally have difficulty adapting to criticism and self-criticism. In brainwashing ,after a sufficient sense of guilt has been created in the individual, sharing and self-criticism permit relief. The price paid for this relief, however, is loss of individuality and increased dependency.

8. Hypnosis and Drugs as Controls. There is no reliable evidence that the communists are making widespread use of drugs or hypnosis in brainwashing or elicitation. The exception to this is the use of common stimulants or depressants in inducing fatigue and “mood swings.”

9. Other methods of control, which when used in conjunction with the basic processes, hasten the deterioration of prisoners’ sense of values and resistance are:

a. Requiring a case history or autobiography of the prisoner provides a mine of information for the interrogator in establishing and “documenting” accusations.

b. Friendliness of the interrogator , when least expected, upsets the prisoner’s ability to maintain a critical attitude.

c. Petty demands, such as severely limiting the allotted time for use of toilet facilities or requiring the POW to kill hundreds of flies, are harassment methods.

d. Prisoners are often humiliated by refusing them the use of toilet facilities during interrogator until they soil themselves. often prisoners were not permitted to bathe for weeks until they felt contemptable.

e. Conviction as a war criminal appears to be a potent factor in creating despair in the individual. One official analysis of the pressures exerted by the ChiComs on “confessors” and “non-confessors” to participation in bacteriological warfare in Korea showed that actual trial and conviction of “war crimes” was overwhelmingly associated with breakdown and confession.

f. Attempted elicitation of protected information at various times during the brainwashing process diverted the individual from awareness of the deterioration of his value-system. The fact that, in most cases, the ChiComs did not want or need such intelligence was not known to the prisoner. His attempts to protect such information was made at the expense of hastening his own breakdown.


From the many fragmentary accounts reviewed, the following appears to be the most likely description of what occurs during brainwashing.

In the period immediately following capture, the captors are faced with the problem of deciding on best ways of exploitation of the prisoners. Therefore, early treatment is similar both for those who are to be exploited through elicitation and those who are to undergo brainwashing. concurrently with being interrogated and required to write a detailed personal history, the prisoner undergoes a physical and psychological “softening-up” which includes: limited unpalatable food rations,withholding of tobacco,possible work details,severely inadequate use of toilet facilities, no use of facilities for personal cleanliness,limitation of sleep such as requiring a subject to sleep with a bright light in his eyes. Apparently the interrogation and autobiographical ,material, the reports of the prisoner’s behaviour in confinement, and tentative “personality typing” by the interrogators, provide the basis upon which exploitation plans are made.

There is a major difference between preparation for elicitation and for brainwashing .Prisoners exploited through elicitation must retain sufficient clarity of thought to be able to give coherent,factual accounts. In brainwashing , on the other hand, the first thing attacked is clarity of thought. To develop a strategy of defense, the controlled individual must determine what plans have been made for his exploitation. Perhaps the best cues he can get are internal reactions to the pressures he undergoes.

The most important aspect of the brainwashing process is the interrogation. The other pressures are designed primarily to help the interrogator achieve his goals. The following states are created systematically within the individual . These may vary in order, but all are necessary to the brainwashing process:

1. A feeling of helplessness in attempting to deal with the impersonal machinery of control.

2. An initial reaction of “surprise.”

3. A feeling of uncertainty about what is required of him.

4. A developing feeling of dependence upon the interrogator.

5. A sense of doubt and loss of objectivity.

6. Feelings of guilt.

7. A questioning attitude toward his own value-system.

8. A feeling of potential “breakdown,” i.e.,that he might go crazy.

9. A need to defend his acquired principles.

10. A final sense of “belonging” (identification).

A feeling of helplessness in the face of the impersonal machinery of control is carefully engendered within the prisoner. The individual who receives the preliminary treatment described above not only begins to feel like an “animal” but also feels that nothing can be done about it. No one pays any personal attention to him. His complaints fall on deaf ears. His loss of communication, if he has been isolated, creates a feeling that he has been “forgotten.”

Everything that happens to him occurs according to an impersonal; time schedule that has nothing to do with his needs. The voices and footsteps of the guards are muted. He notes many contrasts,e.g.,his greasy,unpalatable food may be served on battered tin dishes by guards immaculately dressed in white. The first steps in “depersonalization” of the prisoner have begun. He has no idea what to expect. Ample opportunity is allotted for him to ruminate upon all the unpleasant or painful things that could happen to him. He approaches the main interrogator with mixed feelings of relief and fright.

Surprise is commonly used in the brainwashing process. The prisoner is rarely prepared for the fact that the interrogators are usually friendly and considerate at first. They make every effort to demonstrate that they are reasonable human beings. Often they apologize for bad treatment received by the prisoner and promise to improve his lot if he, too, is reasonable. This behaviour is not what he has steeled himself for. He lets down some of his defenses and tries to take a reasonable attitude. The first occasion he balks at satisfying a request of the interrogator , however, he is in for another surprise. The formerly reasonable interrogator unexpectedly turns into a furious maniac. The interrogator is likely to slap the prisoner or draw his pistol and threaten to shoot him. Usually this storm of emotion ceases as suddenly as it began and the interrogator stalks from the room. These surprising changes create doubt in the prisoner as to his very ability to perceive another person’s motivations correctly. His next interrogation probably will be marked by impassivity in the interrogator ‘s mien.

A feeling of uncertainty about what is required of him is likewise carefully engendered within the individual . Pleas of the prisoner to learn specifically of what he is accused and by whom are side-stepped by the interrogator. Instead, the prisoner is asked to tell why he thinks he is held and what he feels he is guilty of. If the prisoner fails to come up with anything, he is accused in terms of broad generalities (e.g., espionage, sabotage,acts of treason against the “people”). This usually provokes the prisoner to make some statement about his activities. If this take the form of a denial, he is usually sent to isolation on further decreased food rations to “think over” his crimes. This process can be repeated again and again. As soon as the prisoner can think of something that might be considered self-incriminating, the interrogator appears momentarily satisfied. The prisoner is asked to write down his statement in his own words and sign it.

Meanwhile a strong sense of dependence upon the interrogator is developed. It does not take long for the prisoner to realize that the interrogator is the source of all punishment , all gratification,and all communication. The interrogator, meanwhile,demonstrates his unpredictbility. He is perceived by the prisoner as a creature of whim. At times, the interrogator can be pleased very easily and at other times no effort on the part of the prisoner will placate him. The prisoner may begin to channel so much energy into trying to predict the behaviour of the unpredictable interrogator that he loses track of what is happening inside himself.

After the prisoner has developed the above psychological and emotional reactions to a sufficient degree, the brainwashing begins in earnest. First, the prisoner’s remaining critical faculties must be destroyed. He undergoes long, fatiguing interrogations while looking at a bright light. He is called back again and again for interrogations after minimal sleep. He may undergo torture that tends to create internal conflict. Drugs may be used to accentuate his “mood swings.” He develops depression when the interrogator is being kind and becomes euphoric when the interrogator is threatening the direst penalties. Then the cycle is reversed. The prisoner finds himself in a constant state of anxiety which prevents him from relaxing even when he is permitted to sleep. Short periods of isolation now bring on visual and auditory hallucinations. The prisoner feels himself losing his objectivity. It is in this state that the prisoner must keep up an endless argument with the interrogator . He may be faced with the confessions of other individuals who “collaborated” with him in his crimes. The prisoner seriously begins to doubts his own memory. This feeling is heightened by his inability to recall little things like the names of the people he knows very well or the date of his birth. The interrogator patiently sharpens this feeling of doubt by more questioning. This tends to create a serious state of uncertainty when the individual has lost most of his critical faculties.

The prisoner must undergo additional internal conflict when strong feelings of guilt are aroused within him. As any clinical psychologist is aware, it is not at all difficult to create such feelings. Military servicemen are particularly vulnerable. No one can morally justify killing even in wartime. The usual justification is on the grounds of necessity or self-defense. The interrogator is careful to circumvent such justification. He keeps the interrogation directed toward the prisoner’s moral code. Every moral vulnerability is exploited by incessant questioning along this line until the prisoner begins to question the very fundamentals of his own value-system. The prisoner must constantly fight a potential breakdown. He finds that his mind is “going blank” for longer and longer periods of time. He can not think constructively. If he is to maintain any semblance of psychological integrity, he must bring to an end this state of interminable internal conflict. He signifies a willingness to write a confession.

If this were truly the end, no brainwashing would have occurred. The individual would simply have given in to intolerable pressure. Actually, the final stage of the brainwashing process has just begun. No matter what the prisoner writes in his confession the interrogator is not satisfied. The interrogator questions every sentence of the confession. He begins to edit it with the prisoner. The prisoner is forced to argue against every change. This is the essence of brainwashing. Every time that he gives in on a point to the interrogator, he must re-write his whole confession. Still the interrogator is not satisfied. In a desperate attempt to maintain some semblance of integrity and to avoid further brainwashing, the prisoner must begin to argue that what he has already confessed to is true. He begins to accept as his own the statements he has written. He uses many of the interrogator’s earlier arguments to buttress his position. By this process,identification with the interrogator’s value-system becomes complete. It is extremely important to recognize that a qualitative change has taken place within the prisoner. The brainwashed victim does not consciously change his value-system; rather the change occurs despite his efforts. He is no more responsible for this change than is an individual who “snaps” and becomes psychotic. And like the psychotic, the prisoner is not even aware of the transition.


1. Training of Individuals potentially subject to communist control.

Training should provide for the trainee a realistic appraisal of what control pressures the communists are likely to exert and what the usual human reactions are to such pressures. The trainee must learn the most effective ways of combatting his own reactions to such pressures and he must learn reasonable expectations as to what his behaviour should be. Training has two decidedly positive effects; first, it provides the trainee with ways of combatting control; second, it provides the basis for developing an immeasurable boost in morale. Any positive action that the individual can take, even if it is only slightly effective, gives him a sense of control over a situation that is otherwise controlling him.

2. Training must provide the individual with the means of recognizing realistic goals for himself.

a. Delay in yielding may be the only achievement that can be hoped for. In any particular operation, the agent needs the support of knowing specifically how long he must hold out to save an operation, protect his cohorts, or gain some other goal.

b. The individual should be taught how to achieve the most favorable treatment and how to behave and make necessary concessions to obtain minimum penalties.

c. Individual behavioural responses to the various communist control pressures differ markedly. Therefore, each trainee should know his own particular assets and limitations in resisting specific pressures. He can learn these only under laboratory conditions simulating the actual pressures he may have to face.

d. Training must provide knowledge of the goals and the restrictions placed upon his communist interrogator. The trainee should know what controls are on his interrogator and to what extent he can manipulate the interrogator. For example, the interrogator is not permitted to fail to gain “something” from the controlled individual. The knowledge that, after the victim has proved that he is a “tough nut to crack” he can sometimes indicate that he might compromise on some little point to help the interrogator in return for more favorable treatment, may be useful indeed. Above all, the potential victim of communist control can gain a great deal of psychological support from the knowledge that the communist interrogator is not a completely free agent who can do whatever he wills with his victim.

e. The trainee must learn what practical cues might aid him in recognizing the specific goals of his interrogator. The strategy of defense against elicitation may differ markedly from the strategy to prevent brainwashing. To prevent elicitation, the individual may hasten his own state of mental confusion; whereas, to prevent brainwashing, maintaining clarity of thought processes is imperative.

f. The trainee should obtain knowledge about communist “carrots” as well as “sticks.” The communists keep certain of their promises and always renege on others. For example, the demonstrable fact that “informers” receive no better treatment than other prisoners should do much to prevent this particular evil. On the other hand, certain meaningless concessions will often get a prisoner a good meal.

g. In particular, it should be emphasized to the trainee that, although little can be done to control the pressures exerted upon him, he can learn something about controlling his personal reactions to specific pressures. The trainee can gain much from learning something about internal conflict and conflict-producing mechanisms. He should learn to recognize when someone is trying to arouse guilt feelings and what behavioural reactions can occur as a response to guilt.

h. Finally, the training must teach some methods that can be utilized in thwarting particular communist control techniques:

Elicitation. In general, individuals who are the hardest to interrogate for information are those who have experienced previous interrogations. Practice in being the victim of interrogation is a sound training device.

Torture. The trainee should learn something about the principles of pain and shock. There is a maximum to the amount of pain that can actually be felt. Any amount of pain can be tolerated for a limited period of time. In addition, the trainee can be fortified by the knowledge that there are legal limitations upon the amount of torture that can be inflicted by communist jailors.

Isolation. The psychological effects of isolation can probably be thwarted best by mental gymnastics and systematic efforts on the part of the isolate to obtain stimulation for his neural end organs.

Controls on Food and Tobacco. Foods given by the communists will always be enough to maintain survival. Sometimes the victim gets unexpected opportunities to supplement his diet with special minerals,vitamins and other nutrients (e.g.,”iron” from the rust of prison bars). In some instances, experience has shown that individuals could exploit refusal to eat. Such refusal usually resulted in the transfer of the individual to a hospital where he received vitamin injections and nutritious food. Evidently attempts of this kind to commit suicide arouse the greatest concern in communist officials. If deprivation of tobacco is the control being exerted. the victim can gain moral satisfaction from “giving up” tobacco. He can’t lose since he is not likely to get any anyway.

Fatigue. The trainee should learn reactions to fatigue and how to overcome them insofar as possible. For example, mild physical exercise “clears the head” in a fatigue state.

Writing Personal Accounts and Self-Criticism. Experience has indicated that one of the most effective ways of combatting these pressures is to enter into the spirit with an overabundance of enthusiasm. Endless written accounts of inconsequential material have virtually “smothered” some eager interrogators. In the same spirit, sober, detailed self-criticisms of the most minute “sins” has sometimes brought good results.

Guidance as to the priority of positions he should defend. Perfectly compatible responsibilities in the normal execution of an individual’s duties may become mutually incompatible in this situation. Take the example of a senior grade military officer. He has the knowledge of sensitive strategic intelligence which it is his duty to protect. He has the responsibility of maintaining the physical fitness of his men and serving as a model example for their behaviour. The officer may go to the camp commandant to protest the treatment of the POWs and the commandant assures him that treatment could be improved if he will swap something for it. Thus to satisfy one responsibility he must compromise another. The officer, in short, is in a constant state of internal conflict. But if the officer is given the relative priority of his different responsibilities, he is supported by the knowledge that he won’t be held accountable for any other behaviour if he does his utmost to carry out his highest priority responsibility. There is considerable evidence that many individuals tried to evaluate the priority of their responsibilities on their own, but were in conflict over whether others would subsequently accept their evaluations. More than one individual was probably brainwashed while he was trying to protect himself against elicitation.


The application of known psychological principles can lead to an understanding of brainwashing.

1. There is nothing mysterious about personality changes resulting from the brainwashing process.

2. Brainwashing is a complex process. Principles of motivation, perception, learning, and physiological deprivation are needed to account for the results achieved in brainwashing.

3. Brainwashing is an involuntary re-education of the fundamental beliefs of the individual. To attack the problem successfully, the brain-washing process must be differentiated clearly from general education methods for thought-control or mass indoctrination, and elicitation.

4. It appears possible for the individual,through training,to develop limited defensive techniques against brainwashing. Such defensive measures are likely to be most effective if directed toward thwarting individual emotional reactions to brainwashing techniques rather than toward thwarting the techniques themselves.

15 August 1955

(note Declassified)



19 JUN 1964

(Commission No. 1131)

General Counsel
President’s Commission on the
Assassination of President Kennedy

SUBJECT : Soviet Brainwashing Techniques

1. Reference is made to your memorandum of 19 May 1964, requesting that materials relative to Soviet techniques in mind conditioning and brainwashing be made available to the Commission.

2. At my request, experts on these subjects within the CIA have prepared a brief survey of Soviet research in the direction and control of human behavior, a copy of which is attached. The Commission may retain this document. Please note that the use of certain sensitive materials requires that a sensitivity indicator be affixed.

3. In the immediate future, this Agency will make available to you a collection of overt and classified materials on these subjects, which the Commission may retain.

4. I hope that these documents will be responsive to the Commission’s needs.


(DECLASSIFIED) Richard Helms
(By C.I.A.) Deputy Director for Plans
(letter of ___________)




SUBJECT: Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior.

1. There are two major methods of altering or controlling human behavior, and the Soviets are interested in both. The first is psychological; the second, pharmacological. The two may be used as individual methods or for mutual reinforcement. For long-term control of large numbers of people, the former method is more promising than the latter. In dealing with individuals, the U.S. experience suggests the pharmacological approach (assisted by psychological techniques) would be the only effective method. Neither method would be very effective for single individuals on a long term basis.

2. Soviet research on the pharmacological agents producing behavioral effects has consistently lagged about five years behind Western research. They have been interested in such research, however, and are now pursuing research on such chemicals as LSD-25, amphetamines, tranquillizers, hypnotics, and similar materials. There is no present evidence that the Soviets have any singular, new, potent drugs to force a course of action on an individual. They are aware, however, of the tremendous drive produced by drug addiction, and PERHAPS could couple this with psychological direction to achieve control of an individual.

3. The psychological aspects of behavior control would include not only conditioning by repetition and training, but such things as hypnosis, deprivation, isolation, manipulation of guilt feelings, subtle or overt threats, social pressure, and so on. Some of the newer trends in the USSR are as follows:

a. The adoption of a multidisciplinary approach integrating biological,social and physical-mathematical research in attempts better to understand, and eventually, to control human behavior in a manner consonant with national plans.

b. The outstanding feature, in addition to the interdisciplinary approach, is a new concern for mathematical approaches to an understanding of behavior. Particularly notable are attempts to use modern information theory, automata theory, and feedback concepts in interpreting the mechanisms by which the “second signal system,” i.e., speech and associated phenomena, affect human behavior. Implied by this “second signal system,” using INFORMATION inputs as causative agents rather than chemical agents, electrodes or other more exotic techniques applicable, perhaps, to individuals rather than groups.

c. This new trend, observed in the early Post-Stalin Period, continues. By 1960 the word “cybernetics” was used by the Soviets to designate this new trend. This new science is considered by some as the key to understanding the human brain and the product of its functioning –psychic activity and personality–to the development of means for controlling it and to ways for molding the character of the “New Communist Man”. As one Soviet author puts it: Cybernetics can be used in “molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns…all functions which can be summarized as ‘control’ of the growth process of the individual.” 1/Students of particular disciplines in the USSR, such as psychologist and social scientists, also support the general cybernetic trend. 2/ (Blanked by CIA)

4. In summary, therefore, there is no evidence that the Soviets have any techniques or agents capable of producing particular behavioral patterns which are not available in the West. Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology forcontrolling the development of behavioral patterns among the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system. Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the “coding” of information for transmittal to population targets in the “battle for the minds of men.” Some of the more esoteric techniques such as ESP or, as the Soviets call it, “biological radio-communication”, and psychogenic agents such as LSD, are receiving some overt attention with, possibly, applications in mind for individual behavior control under clandestine conditions. However, we require more information than is currently available in order to establish or disprove planned or actual applications of various methodologies by Soviet scientists to the control of actions of articular individuals.


1. Itelson, Lev, “Pedagogy: An Exact Science?” USSR October 1963, p. 10.

2. Borzek, Joseph, “Recent Developments in Soviet Psychology,” Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 15, 1964, p. 493-594.

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America’s Fukushima?

The Most Revolutionary Act


Bye Bye California

Whistleblower Michael Peck, a senior member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), is calling for the Diablo Canyon nuclear reactor to be shut down — pending an assessment of its ability to withstand a major earthquake. Peck, who was Diablo Canyon’s lead inspector for five years, asserts the NRC isn’t applying its own safety rules for the plant’s operation. Unlike other federal whistleblowers, who Obama and the FBI are busy locking up, Peck is participating in an NRC review process that permits employees to appeal a superior’s ruling.

Located on the Pacific Coast halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, Diablo Canyon is California’s last nuclear power plant. It’s located adjacent to four seismic faults, the Shoreline, Hosgri, Los Oso and San Luis Bay. The Shoreline fault was only recently discovered; the Hosgri, located three miles from the plant, is the largest and most dangerous. It…

View original post 628 more words


Nanodevices in Sensory Overload, Mind Control Torture

Pat B.  – June 17, 2014

What you are about to read is a documentation of my torture under a highly classified mind control operation, using advanced electromagnetic, nanoparticle and scalar weapons systems. It is not my intention to try to convince you. Suffice for me to know that the torture contractor knows that each and every word that I have written here is the truth and nothing but the truth.  Historical precedents of similar occurrences in America are well documented.  It is the responsibility of each and every citizen to acquaint themselves with their history in a democracy.  I trust that you have not failed yourself in that regard. Thank you.—-

For more than (4) years now, I have been followed around by a minimum of three (3) airplanes at a time, with an occasional squadron that flies above like vultures in the skies as I go home from work or leave home to go to work. For the entire time since the remote mind control surveillance began, a dizzying array of nanodevices have been dumped on my head and body and living environment.

The nanodevices comprised of photonic crystals of all shapes and form, sizes and morphologies. From hexagonal or rectangular millimeter-sized photonic crystals made of gold or simply encased in a clear polymer, to triangular light-bending photonic crystals of similar dimensions. To perfectly round, disc-shaped anthracite-black devices also of millimeter-sized dimensions that spotted a single light-emitting embedded object. To spherical nanodevices also of millimeter size, studded with craters of identical dimensions covering the spherical surface, like a golf ball. To translucent cylindrical rods spotting perfectly delineated segments of green or red bands. To more translucent cylindrical rods with no coloured segments but which emitted light at the terminal ends of the rod instead. To dead microscopic insects with light-emitting components.

To arrays of several hexagonal nanocrystals embedded in a matrix on a thin sheet of clear polymer. To metal microdevices that are most likely of the semi-conductor family, which had a single protruding strand-like structure that always eerily but slowly erected from a horizontal or angular orientation to point upright, while waving towards the light of my pocket microscope as soon as light shone on them from this point source. To tangles of snow-white fibres that are interspersed with single red or blue strands. To tangles of all-black fibres with on other colourations represented. To white and amber colloidal gels with light-emitting embedded objects. To black filamentous objects of millimeter-sized length. To an unforgettable device that targeted my head while I sat at the dining section of a Thriftway Supermarket in Wilsonville, Oregon, in 2012. The super-white nanodevice descended in a perfectly vertical line headed for the top of my head while rotating in a spiral fashion. It had the shape of a perfect drill – a straight short tip, a spiral body and a straight short top end. I ducked aside to save my head. Where I sat happened, by a stroke of good fortune, to have been the perfect angle for viewing the myriad of a rainbow of colours issuing forth from the nanodust that along with the  ‘nanodrill’, unlike any dust one might have seen before. A ray of light from a window close by streamed along the path of the falling devices, making it unusually easy for the devices to be seen. I have no way of knowing how many ‘nanodrills’ managed to hit the intended target in the course of my torture.

The list is too long…
Most of the devices interacted with, and responded to, exposure to a directed light source from my pocket microscope by either dimming the light, intensifying it or blinking it, often in a combination thereof. In aggregates, the collective action of the nanodevices on my scalp caused room lights directly above my head to flicker madly.

All the above-mentioned nanodevices and microdevices that saturate my body, living space and immediate environment today, are programmable electromagnetic, nanoparticle and scalar device weapons systems that have been programmed, in my specific case, to execute a wide variety of functions but primarily to simulate millions of chronically crawling worms and insects on the head and face for purposes of exerting severe traumatic levels of psychological and physical torturous pain through a chronic sensory overload and nerve pain excitation. The sensory overload is an implementation of a complex, classified mind control torture protocol which itself, is a part of a wider program involving thousands of innocent American citizens and legal residents on whom a wide spectrum of advanced electromagnetic- and scalar- based weapons technologies are used to abuse them.

The levels of unrelenting pain inflicted on the victims of these abuses have driven some to mental disintegration where they simply join the society’s pool of the ‘mentally ill’ which consists of two subsets: one comprising of persons with genuine mental derangements arising from natural, organic brain disorders. And the other, comprising of persons who have been deliberately driven into this pool of the ‘mentally ill’ by design: mind control victims. Many of the latter commit suicide. Some have died.

On September 16, 2013 Aaron Alexis, the so-called ‘Navy Yard Shooter’ killed twelve (12) innocent Americans, before being fatally shot by the police himself. He had earlier written a communication to a director of a human rights website that helps victims of mind control, soliciting help to alleviate or end the pain prior to the tragedy “... knowing he would be killed...” and “…“prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions.” , according to an article in the Washington Post. . The pain had apparently proved too much for him to bear. And according to the same Washington Post article,
“…The Navy has legitimately used such technology, the FBI said, but these radio waves also have been at the center of conspiracies about government mind control.” Sadly, twelve (12) innocent Americans who did not have to die, lost their lives at his hand as he lost control and lashed out. This is how the person contacted by Mr. Alexis put it:

An Amazing thing has happened!!!

It appears that Aaron Alexis had contacted our organization just prior to the shooting spree that happened at the Washington Navy Yard. Several email exchanges then ensued between Aaron Alexis and myself that clearly showed that a) he had come under physical attack from microwaves and was experiencing voice to skull technology, but was not able to process the situation until he arrived at our site. b) he had come across some information at the Washington Navy Yard that convinced him that someplace inside there was a sourdce of our ELF targeting – establishing a motive for the attacks!!! His email that he sent us is below.It was addressed to the FFCHS board, however, we had all forgotten about this email until it was brought to out attention recently. We receive such requests for help on a daily basis.

After we became aware of this development, we immediately contacted news sources who are now wanting to be the first to scoop this story! …

Subject:     Need Assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!
September 1


 My name is Aaron. A am ex-navy, and have been working as a contractor for the DoD. I have recently come under attack after blowing up at Norfolk Airport in Virginia. The first attack started coming when I was on assignment in Rhode Island. I was hearing what I though was people next door telling lies about me. In truth, I didn’t know that I was under attack and thought I could escape what I was experiencing, by leaving the hotel I was in. It wasn’t until it almost cost me my job that I realized that one, I wasn’t crazy, and that two that I had to firgure out what was going on.

I am glad I found this site, however I need assistance because, I have not allowed them to scare me off my job, but I fear the constant bombardment from the ELF weapon is starting to take it’s toll on my body. I am currently in DC now near the pentagon. I think I know the specific group in the military that is responsible for developing and assisting the military with.[sic]

Any assistance you can give me and at the same time what ever info I can give you on what I know please contact me ASAP.

Aaron Alexis

In addition to the vibrating simulations of biting, darting, drilling, pulling, tagging and crawling insect and nematode behavioural events, the nanodevices have also been used to intrude deep into the interior of my body via forced inhalation, via the oral cavity and via remote deposition of the devices into the subcutaneous layers of the skin.

A constant remote-originating, directed stream of nanodevices of all types, has culminated in the formation of an invisible envelope of nanodevice/nanodust/nanoparticle-saturated air that has surrounded me at all times since 2010, resulting in forced and unavoidable inhalation of the adulterated air. This in turn, has led to a chronic accumulation of the nanodevices in the lungs, nasopharynx, and skin tissues. The devices that enter the respiratory tract have amplified the lung activity sounds there, and reduced lung capacity as evidenced by more and more difficulty in breathing whenever the body places more demand for more oxygen. The devices entering the oral cavity have rendered the saliva perpetually gritty, and this has been the state of affairs for more than four years now.

Once at the nasopharynx, the nanodevices become steadily and chronically ingested, with every gulp ensuring a chronic delivery of the devices into the gastrointestinal system, a springboard to systemic circulation. Other mechanisms by which the penetration of the body with the nanodevices has been enhanced include a constant and direct remote deposition of the nanodevices at choice points in the subcutaneous layers of the skin – the largest organ in the human body.

Yet more devices are used as biosensors that relay biomarker data of the physiological response to the sustained torture as well as other biomarkers of interest, back to the aerial base station from which the diabolic mind control operation is conducted. In this way, all routes of entry into the human body are constantly infused with the devices, and their physiological and psychological effects constantly monitored. Seven (7) or eight (8) cables that run from an electric box next to my house into an adjacent rental home, likely monitor all behavioural effects as painful jabs of energy similar to a tip of a sharp knife quickly plunging in and out seem to pair with every telephone call I make; every word I write etc. On some levels, the torture contractors are no different from your regular lumpen criminal. A curve I have imagined, shows a graph where the torture levels assume a steep rise in intensification driven initially by mind control for brainwashing objectives; but as time progresses, and the predictions of the torture psychologists and psychiatrists practioners and gurus, fall apart, and the abused person holds on to his or her rights and her will not to be violated, and fights back within lawful confines refusing to be a ‘slave’ to the most perverted and most lumpen of minds ever, the mind control for brainwashing objective falls apart as a whole, like the slimy theory it was cursed to be, yet the torture curve continues to be steeper still, but now in pursuit of a more pressing objective: the suppression of the dissemination of information abhout, and evidence of the commission of the original crime…

Nanodevices on the most superficial layers of the scalp, face, neck and now, upper torso and upper limbs, are used for unspeakably painful sensory overload that inflicts entirely new regimes of sensations that are virtually unknown to humankind; sensations and pain combinations that are not part of the natural human experience in his/her interaction with the external world. The intensity of the pain is further accomplished through an added layer of regular and direct excitation of the nerve pain endings and occasional electric shocks to the scalp and head primarily, although electric shocks have been delivered to the uterus and left breast once or twice. Pain is also inflicted through a constant searing microwave heat that broils the head several times each day, every time the torturer feels like having and orgasmic thrill.

A kind of pain similar to the action of a syringe during an intramuscular injection, is also regularly inflicted on various parts of the body, especialy on the scalp. All while angry interrogation-like voices talk thrash as I writhe in pain. All nanodevices, nanodust, microdevices, gaseous and liquid substances and thermal energies used in the abuse, are delivered into my body from a remote source.

The direct effect of the deep intrusion of my body with these micro- and nanotechnologies has been both profound and concrete. Distribution of the devices in my body is now thorough, and systemic permeation, complete.

My blood shows light-emitting devices now when viewed under a microscope. A dentist looking at an X-Ray of my entire set of teeth in preparation for a procedure, stated that it appeared that ALL my teeth had had some ‘filling’ done to them. When I indicated to the doctor that I only had had one tooth filled, a molar now long extracted, she remained adamant that the X-Ray was most likely telling the truth – that I had had all the teeth ‘filled’. Tooth pain is remotely initiated at will by the torture contractor.

In 2012, my left eye, injured during a viral attack, mysteriously acquired night-vision abilities and was able to see in pitch darkness to the detail of a head of a pin while the right eye could see nothing in the dark. Anterograde tracing is a method used to trace the path of a cranial nerve ( ). The eye had been deliberately injured during a remote anterograde tracing of the exact path of the ophthalmic branch and other superficial branches of the fifth cranial nerve – the trigeminal nerve – the largest of the cranial nerves.  Once the path of the nerve branch had been determined, it would be used to inflict superlative pain by vibrating nanodevices directly over the nerve branch’s path.

As in the classical  case when anterograde tracing is used, a member of the herpes family of viruses (non-genital type) was used to attack the nerve directly, thus tracing its exact superficial path on my skin and on the MRI, the latter which by now, the torture contractor had long been in possession of from earlier torturing me into an hospital emergency room, where I was begged to take an MRI despite my objections. The injury also affected the left eye, causing partial damage through the formation of permanent plaques and reduced seeing ability.

During the anterograde tracing episode, profuse snow-white material vibrated madly inside the grossly irritated and swollen eye, exiting at the margins where it accumulated as a white solid precipitate or exudate there. When I scraped and viewed the white substance under my pocket microscope, the super-white objects emitted light. On the left side of the scalp, a path of the superficial branches of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal, remains permanently marked today by a uniquely perfectly formed array of indented circular spots in an antero-posterior direction. Yet no lesions ever formed on the scalp during, following or after, the viral attack.

The episode was officially diagnosed as shingles – trigeminal nerve shingles – even though no documented history of trigeminal nerve shingles in the annals of medicine has ever recorded a single instance of an affected eye gaining night vision ability that allowed it to see in pitch darkness, to the detail of a head of a pin as a consequence of acquiring trigeminal shingles. Even though no documented history of trigeminal shingles in the annals of medicine has ever recorded instances of madly vibrating substances inside an affected eye which exited as exudate material possessing light-emitting properties when examined under a microscope. And even though no documented history of trigeminal nerve shingles in the annals of medicine has ever recorded how perfectly round depressions along the path of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal on the scalp could form without skin lesions that are typical in shingles ever having been present during the episode. Yet the brutal effects of the anterograde tracing on the eye using a member of the herpes family of viruses, had mimicked the action of the herpes zoster virus, the causative agent in trigeminal shingles, and its sysmptomatic expression of the trigeminal shingles, well enough for any good doctor ( and my ophthalmologist is the best ) to have arrived at no other diagnosis other than what was diagnosed.

This is how the adverse physiological effects of remote electromagnetic and nanotechnology weapons abuse camouflage as genuine organic disease, with even far more detriment to some non-consenting victims when the mere act of making claims of painful remote attacks to appropriate parties is quickly equated with mental derangement, with affected persons often falsely accused of psychosis and routed to the psychiatric domain, forever sealing their fate. These persons, often trusting of those purporting to help them, end up taking prescribed neuroagents for diseases they do not have. But more detrimental still, the stigma of mental illness almost guarantees death of any legal recourse in the future for their abuse, not to mention the economic and social fallout. Fortunately for me, strongly suspecting a deliberate trap, I successfully resisted intensive pressure to seek psychiatric help.

Effects of remote electromagnetic weapons on human physiology camouflage as genuine symptoms of organic diseases through mimickery or through close resemblance of symptomatic profiles of a wide array of disease states. The torturers know this fact. And exploit it to the fullest when their diabolic actions injure the bodies of their victims – by counting and relying on the medical profession to diagnose ‘diseases’ in their victims that they, the torturers, then hide behind.

My body activates street walking crossing signals at intersections where “Intellistreet” – like street lights are installed,without any active input from me, whenever the illegal implants in my body are within range of the circuitry of the crossing signal, whether walking or driving. It appears that a resonant frequency from my body interacts with the normally manually activated circuitry of the street crossing signal in a way that is equivalent to actually pressing the button to indicate an intention to cross the street. Older street crossing signals remain silent to my body and continue to require active manual activation to cross the street.  But this is all just for starters…

“Intellistreets” is a company that makes smart street lights called “Smart Grid” street lights. Features include wireless dual band mesh transceiver. Concealed placement speaker. RGBA notification. Image sensor. Digital signage. Digital street sign. Facade lighting. Push to talk system. .

Lately, they have been using new nanodevices. Wisps of 4 to 6 inch translucent straight fibers similar to a spider’s silk but much thinner, and a lot of nanodust of much smaller dimensions in length, which they forcibly drive right straight through the nose remotely and douse my body with. Cars with strange registration plates, some with Washington State, California, Utah, Arizona and of course, Oregon registration plates, are frequently coming and parking overnight on my street just yards away from my home, sometimes for a few days or weeks, to observe and to perform, to entertain and be entertained, to teach and be taught, to learn and to share, torture expertise with fellow torture masters, students and new recruits that will go on to grossly abuse their fellow Americans anonymously, remotely and unaccountably.  As well as to conduct demos – on ‘squadron’ nights – for the investors and sponsors of the technologies of torture.

Regularly, my kidneys are seared with DEW every night right through the metal plate that I wear at night for protection, in vain. Nanofibre dust and tiny white crystals coat the clothing that I wear as they are used to chronically saturate the breathing space in a low grade nanoboarding during  the  day, falling all over me in the process.  Each and every night, the nanoboarding  – a version of the infamous water-boarding  used in ‘enhanced interrogation’ where nanotechnology is used in lieu of water – is implemented full- fledged at an exponentially intensified level, often in combination with other torture techniques.

During nanoboarding, nanodevice-saturated air is blown directly into the nose where it is perceptible as a low grade steady jet of particulate-ladden air blowing into the nose as the particles are driven into the nose just like barkdust is driven from a powered spreader, generating extreme sensations of suffocation from particulate matter not unlike a sensation of suffocation from sand particles during a wild sand storm. Separately but concurrently, more superfine nanodevices are sprayed as high velocity jets directly into the nasal conchae at regular intervals, for direct uptake straight into the brain. This occurs while other devices are vibrated wildly in torturous patterns all over the scalp, forehead and face in what amounts to a superlative excitation of the entire sensory system and which has occurred each and every day and night since January of 2010.

The devices are vibrated in the face and eyelashes and inside the right eye as well, among other parts of the body, including deep inside the ears; in the anus; on the areolae and nipples of the breasts; in the armpits; in the back of the throat, on the arms etc.  A particularly perverted favourite technique of the torture contractor consists of driving a jet of air from inside, before exiting it through the vaginal cavity…

The surveillance torture signals that have maintained a perpetual lock on the top of my head for the duration of the mind control torture, in combination with the chronic high-pressure vibrations of the nanodevices on same, have together carved out over time, deep, irregular grooves and pits on the scalp of the top of my head, some of which go so deep that only very thin skin covers the bone underneath.  Additionally, a gross and permanent transformation of scalp tissue of the same area has been evident for a while now.  Other evidence of dermal damage manifests on other parts of the scalp as severely itchy macules, papules and pimples. I shaved the head recently in order to view the grooves which I could only feel when running my fingers over the scalp previously. I was not prepared for what I saw.

Deep grooves which were carved remotely with unspeakable pain, criss-cross the top of the head. The grooves appear as irregular black lines. This is because the hair inside the grooves is so deep that the shaving blade cannot possibly reach it. I took pictures and went to a professional photographer for more pictures. The torture contractor has now focused the torture on the head strictly on the grooves and pits to not just cause maximal pain, but I think to inflict worse. Sensory receptors at this depth of the scalp trigger alarm-level sensory sensations that scream for the host to take immediate action – to remove the irritant immediately. But of course, I am unable to. The torture contractor knows this. And so he exploits the grooves and pits that he deliberately carved out remotely, to inflict superlative misery and to keep the torment sustained for as long as he wishes while I painfully ‘listen’ helplessly. The grooves and the pits also serve as concave place-holders which hold the devices in place, unable to be removed by wiping or brushing, while they are being vibrated madly. They also serve to access deeper levels of scalp tissue where they cause different sensations of torment from sensations caused by vibrating devices on the superficial levels of the scalp.   Razor-sharp crystals dumped on the head remotely are used to pierce through the pile of things that I put on my head to protect myself at all times, and to cause slicing pain all over the scalp, including deep inside the grooves and pits.

Commercial-grade aluminium foil, layered many sheets over for protection over the head at night, often emerges the following day showing numerous perfectly round small perforations that go right through the stack.  The perforations are often not visible to the naked eye but if a light source is held behind the stack in a darkened room, the perforations caused by electromagnetic energy on the aluminium stack show very easily as they permit light to pass through.

Microwave heat, like a blow dryer blowing hot air on the head, regularly targets the now clean shaven head each time I wash off the devices, as the torture contractor replaces the nanodevices with new ones. Internally, many of these devices saturate my body now where they are regularly used to manipulate the physiologies of various organ systems, as well as in the implementation of internal organ torture. The smooth muscle of the esophagus has been twisted, churned, pinched, pulled and brushed in the past, including suspending food boluses there while eating, so that food ‘just hangs there’ while en route to the stomach.

Food digestion is halted or accelerated at will, with dire implications for nutrient, supplement and medicine bioavailability to the body.  And so is elimination.  Thirst has been largely suppressed in order to limit elimination of the nanodevices through urination while simultaneously achieving maximal systemic saturation of the nanodevices in the body. This, as noted earlier, has led to my blood showing light-emitting devices now when viewed by a microscope. And by extension, it is not only safe to assume that the devices are an integral part of my both fluid compartments (intracellular and extracellular) now, but also that they distribute throughout the various tissues of all major human physiological systems. And very likely can be found in the CSF as well as scholarly literature has suggested that breakthroughs in breaching the blood brain barrier with nanoparticles have been achieved.  [color=#3366FF]…     [/color][color=#3366FF] now experience thirst for no more than five (5) times in ten (10) weeks on the average where, prior to the abuse, I used to feel thirsty at least three (3) times a day. This means that I must actively hydrate without feeling the urge to drink fluids in order to meet the water needs of my body.

Violent coughing spasms implemented by mobilizing a nanofiber to vibrate or brush against the epithelial tissue of the airway, is used several times a day now whenever the torture contractor feels like an orgasm, but especially when I eat, write, read, pick up a phone or talk with someone, all activities that have a potential to interfere with the abuse or threaten exposure of the crimes, from the perspective of the torture contractor. The coughing spasms can be so severe that the eyes water and become blood red, the nose drips serous liquid and the muscles involved in coughing ache severely from exhaustion. And this is just the tip of the iceberg…[/color]

Pat B.

Appended on 06.29.2014.

Scholarly information on somatic (body) surveillance is rarely openly available due to the grossly unethical, cruel and illegal ways in which bodies must be deeply invaded and the physiologies of affected persons, brutally penetrated with the corporeal surveillance technologies, in carrying out somatic surveillance on a person. Except for cases in medical contexts, many persons on mind control programs on whom these technologies are used, have not consented to their bodies to being violated in these awful ways. The somatic technologies used on them are not of the medical class but rather weaponized versions. The technologies used in these weaponized versions are remote somatic surveillance weapons systems whose operational core is electromagnetic and scalar energies. Weaponized nanodevice systems are a component of this larger class of weaponized systems.

Use of the remote technologies on an unwitting victim by these unscrupulous parties, confers, and affords them, anonymity, unaccountability and deniability, all elements that together comprise ideal environments in which to conduct illegal operations, as well as provide legal shelter to the abuser. To enhance legal protection in the remote event of embarrassing exposure, virtually all remote abusers of these technologies in mind control operations have illegally sought shelter under national secrecy laws. Edward Snowden, the former NSA and Booz Allen employee’s recent revelations are an example of the milder forms of the abuses that illegally sought shelter under the umbrella of national secrets in order to evade public scrutiny.

For consenting persons on whom the technologies are used as part of medical treatment, elaborate laws have been enacted and are in place to protect their interest, and mechanisms are provided in those laws to permit a person to opt out any time in the course of their treatment should they wish.  In addition, President Obama authorized a Bioethics Commission to look into the ‘policies and practices’ in the interplay between technology and patient. A mission statement from the Bioethics Commission ([color=#3366FF] reads:[/color]

“The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (the Bioethics Commission) is an advisory panel of the nation’s leaders in medicine, science, ethics, religion, law, and engineering. The Bioethics Commission advises the President on bioethical issues arising from advances in biomedicine and related areas of science and technology. The Bioethics Commission seeks to identify and promote policies and practices that ensure scientific research, [color=#3366FF]health caredelivery, and technological innovation are conducted in a socially and ethically responsible manner[/color].”

The Bioethics Commission refuses to address our plight on the basis that our issues fall outside the boundaries of its mandate.  Despite live testimonials by targeted individuals at one of the hearings which were videotaped live and posted on youtube in 2011, it is our belief that the ‘limited mandate’ of the Bioethics Commission made it possible for the President of the United State to be effectively shielded from this information.

For unwitting victims of mind control operations, these illegal and cruel activities that visit horrors upon them are closely guarded, classified secrets, as if torture of innocent Americans were a national asset. This, even as the classification of the crimes is in blatant violation of Section 1.7 of Classification guidelines that tabulate a list of prohibitions to classifiable information. Under this section, (Sec 1.7, Classification Prohibitions and Limitations ) is stated that:

a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified; or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) Conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) Prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) Restrain competition; or
(4) Prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.

b) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the national security shall not be classified…Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information.…. This section appears to derive from the original Code of Regulations document, Title 6 –Domestic Security,or  6 CFR 7.21 – CLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION, LIMITATIONS, [color=#3366FF] .

For the non-consenting person[/color], the only sure way one can expect to be free from pain, is when dies from it, or dies from the internal systemic, organic or tissue injuries caused by chronic bombardment with electromagnetic-based weapons systems. And the only way one can ensure redress via a legal pathway is if an investigation similar to the CoIntelPro, acronymn for CounterIntelligenceProgram, and MK Ultra Church Hearings of the 1970s to occur.

The latter is not impossible but its path is strewn with formidable difficulties deliberately put in place by the lawyers of the perpetrators to ensure its failure since the parties committing these crimes are unlikely to volunteer to either Senate and House Oversight Committees during their intelligence briefings, information concerning forbidden torture activities that they carry out on thousands of their fellow citizens. The effect of this state of affairs is such that it creates and maintains the legal status of the dark operations as ‘non-existent’, and therefore, legally invisible, a legal place that essentially neuters the oversight function of Oversight Committees while it unburdens them  from effective representation of their constituents on whom gross illegalities are visited by their own government. And a legal place that the perpetrators can hide comfortably in, and commit their crimes peacefully and gleefully, knowing or more accurately, hoping that no one can ever touch them.

As a consequence, the only information outlet about this type of surveillance has been, sadly, from the non-consentual victims themselves, at a severe cost. Because secrecy of the crimes is paramount to the perpetrators, any attempts by an unwitting person to seek help, exposing the crimes in the process, is often followed by retribution in the form of severe torture. I have been subjected to such abuse numerous times in response to soliciting help from my wonderful [color=#3366FF]Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon who happens to be a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and who has heard desperate pleas for help from not just his state of Oregon, but from around the country. The same retribution followed after I contacted the Bioethics Commission; private lawyers;  Dept. of Human Services; professors; online parties; ordinary individuals; etc. All to no avail, because of the illegal classification of the operations.[/color]

Also because of the secrecy surrounding the clandestine programs, unwitting persons however courageous it might be for them to speak out, the covertness of the program’s nature is deliberately designed to effectively deny them any and all official corroboration that would otherwise carry much supportive weight. Unwitting persons also do not possess authoritative expertise about the mechanisms of action of these advanced electromagnetic technologies, nor are they privy to the interactions of somatic electromagnetic weapons systems with human physiology and the adverse effects thereof. But most importantly, the pain the unwitting person is subjected to at all times, often demands priority in preoccupation of the mind, placing almost all other tasks to secondary levels. Unwitting persons also often cannot definitively name the offending parties, even as the historical record containing a long list of similar abuses in the past, provides us with a short list of likely culprits that is often validated by whistleblower information in some cases.

We often have difficulty presenting direct proof of electromagnetic energy as the core weapon in these torture tools, although circumstantial evidence avails itself rather abundantly and convincingly enough.
This is largey because equipment sensitive enough to perform the technical tasks required to produce legally acceptable proof, are prohibitively expensive, running in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and may not even be easily available to the public. And partly because scientists developing these weapons systems, and those that abuse them to inflict unspeakable pain and miseries on their fellow citizens who have done nothing against them, their families or their country, are themselves sworn to secrecy. Unlawfully so since the torture of citizens constitutes a violation of the law and a person’s rights, civil or otherwise, and thus forbidden from classification. Furthermore, it is not even clear if the current set of laws concerning presentation of evidence capture the unique challenges  of presenting electromagnetic energies as evidence in a court of law. Or whether new standards would have to be drawn. This the culprits know too well and exploit the vacuum until the issue can be addressed. In the meantime, we are dying. Or committing suicide. From pain.

We know only too well however, that electromagnetic energy courses and pulses through out bodies in superlatively painful ways, 24/7, 365, manifesting in multiple ways, whether it be as Voice – to – Skull, or V2K, or bombardment with sounds of abnormal frequencies, or severe broiling heat with DEW systems, or vibrating nanodevices programmed to simulate crawling and darting and biting insects and nematodes among other manifestations.  Our bodies, at least most of us, emit frequencies where a normal body should not and does not, possible evidence of illegally implanted devices. I have personally seen X-Rays of hands and feet and heads of tortured individuals with embedded foreign objects, or UBOs (for Unidentified Bright Objects, according to NIH Director). Abundant literature on the technologies exists. Proof of their use in war theatres in Iraq and Afghanistan for example, is out in the open. Companies producing the weapons, openly tout their products. The products are all used remotely to target the individual. This, no one can take away from us.  But some are beginning to address the problem. And not surprisingly, none of them is a government entity.

An abstract of an informative paper that delves deep into the analysis of somatic surveillance and written by Drs. Torin Monahan and Tyler Wall in 2007 (Surveillance & Society  Special  Issue on ‘Surveillance and Criminal Justice’ Part 1, 4(3): 154-173. describes surveillance as follows:

Somatic surveillance is the increasingly invasive technological monitoring of and intervention into body functions. Within this type of surveillance regime, bodies are recast as nodes on vast information networks, enabling corporeal control through remote network commands, automated responses, or self-management practices.”  

The authors of the paper then go on to describe the areas of investigation addressed in the paper:  nanotechnology systems, commercial body-monitoring systems and radio-frequency identification implants, before concluding the abstract with the following sentence:
The argument is that in present and projected forms, somatic surveillance systems abstract bodies and physiological systems from social contexts, facilitating hyper-individualized control and the commodification of life functions.” 

Dr. Emilio Mordini, MD, comments on the need for ethics in the field of somatic surveillance in medicine in the following quote:
Body surveillance technologies are an expanding field of technology research and applications. They are neither medical nor security technologies but remain somehow in between.They include Info-Communication Technologies ( Technologies biometrics RFID biometrics , RFID, and technologies for data storage, data fusion, and data mining, behavioral profiling, etc.), biotechnology (DNA anal dysis and databank, detection technologies for biological, radiological, and chemical agent prevention) agent prevention), nanotechnologies (video surveillance and monitoring nano-devices, biotech nano devices, Zig , Bee etc.). Medical surveillance and global security: why eHealth needs ethics and politics and politics,  Emilio Mordini, MD

Lastly but not least, Cynthia J. Bruckner-Lea writes on biosensors:
Biosensors, like chemical sensors, consist of two essential components: a chemically selective layer that binds the target molecule, and a transducer that converts the binding event into a measurable signal that can be monitored , displayed and used for process control.” (Biosensor Systems for Homeland Security by Cynthia J. Bruckner-Lea; [color=#3366FF]… ).

Nanodevices have an established interaction with the human physiology in ways that can be used (depending on the properties of the nanodevice) passively or actively, in the implementation of live-saving tasks in medicine as well as in deployments as tools of war waged on enemy persons and unwitting persons indistinguishably in mind control torture operations as this documentation attests.

These references – especially the Monahan/Wall paper – not only validate the existence and use of somatic or corporeal surveillance technologies, but also provide valuable informed context, whereas my abuse with somatic surveillance weapons, accurately captures its implementation in a brutal militarized program. [/color]

Now more than four years since the beginning of the abuse, a decision I made to research  the devices has led me to discover that the devices of somatic surveillance in my case, and perhaps in many other similarly abused individuals as well, are optic and/or photonic nanoelectromechanical and microelectromechanical systems which, according to notes by distinguished Dr. Lok C. Lew Yan Voon of the Citadel, Military College of South Carolina, are mostly made of silicon, metals, and polymers, gross physical attributes that largely match the observations from my microscopic examination of the devices. A few examples that Dr. LYV gives are silicon dioxides, nitrites, carbides, Al, Ti, Cu W, photoresists, polyamides. And according to the document, they exhibit multiphysics properties.

The multiphysicity of these systems affords them applications that exploit their electromagnetic-structural , fluid-structural  or electromagnetic-fluid interactions, and may even behave similarly to metamaterials, substances whose constituent elements are part of the periodic table but when at nanoscale, behave like neither of their constituents parts at macro or bulk scales.  Consequently, applications of these nanodevices/nanomaterials are ubiquitous and comprise a wide spectrum including bio-applications that are for human benefit in medicine, but for torture in weaponized versions.The new regimes of sensations that I painfully feel are a direct consequence of the multiphysicity of the nanodevices which imparts any number of permutations among the electromagnetic-structural , fluid- structural or electromagnetic-fluid interactions.  The sensations that they generate, are the human physiology’s interpretation of the multiphysicity.

The technologies, as evidenced by this documentation, when used in the abuse of human physiology at systemic, organic or cellular level in mind control programs, have outcomes that are devastatingly negative for the welfare of the affected individual on all levels , with special detrimental  psychological and emotional implications that flow from the fact that torture with these devices does not inflict the gross physical injury normally visibly identifiable in the macro versions of traditional torture. Instead the effects are felt as horrific pain when nociceptors, nerve endings, sensory systems and internal organ tissues are abused and manipulated 24/7 as it happens.

According to Jorneta et al, nanodevices are made up of electronic components which can perform  simple tasks, including “…computing, data storing, sensing and actuation”. Several of these nanocomponents are integrated into more advanced nanodevices. The resultant advanced nanodevices  achieve complex tasks in a distributed manner that is implemented as nanonetworks:
“…enable more advanced applications of nanotechnology in the biomedical, environmental, industrial and military fields, such as intrabody health monitoring and drug delivery systems, or wireless nanosensor networks for biological and chemical attack prevention at the nanoscale, amongst others. “ Underlining of nanosensor networks” above is by this author.

Remote communication between the devices illegally implanted in my body and the airborne torture base station surveilling me 24/7 is accomplished via nanonetworks, which, according to Jorneta et al, are high density network systems that require special protocols that are defined differently from the standard.  The high density of the nanosensor network systems flows from the miniature sizes of the devices which in aggregates, constitute huge numbers.

Remote communication of the devices is likely implemented via ‘ PHLAME’ . ‘PHLAME’ is an acronym for a ‘Physical Layer Aware MAC’ protocol for Electromagnetic nanonetworks in the Terahertz. Nano Communication Networks 3, (2012) 71-85. , (“Josep Miquel Jorneta, , Joan Capdevila Pujolb,1, Josep Solé Paretab. “PHLAME: A Physical Layer Aware MAC protocol for Electromagnetic nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band Nano Communication Networks 3 (2012) 74–81”).

The devices are manufactured using NEMS and MEMS manufacturing technologies, and companies making these products are ubiquitous. The products that a vast majority of these companies make are largely used in ‘clean’ applications.  If historical precedence is any guide, torture industries most likely own ‘front’ companies dedicated to producing weaponized electromagnetic and scalar based devices for military applications. The vast array of the devices used to torment me point to a dedicated manufacturer who is constantly on the drawing board, designing and producing tools of torture that inflict more pain that the last batch.

Appended (date)…

From the very beginning of the abuse, the programmable nanodevice tools employed in the torture had been designed to attack and chronically overwhelm the somatosensory system, through a sustained and chronic remote input of constant intense stimuli to virtually all modalities of the sensory system simultaneously, and in what essentially constitutes torture by sensory overload of the tactile and nociceptor systems, leading to a manifested injury of the trigeminal nerve in 2012.

The three divisions of the nerve carry pain, temperature, and touch modalities from the skin of the face; the mucosa of sinuses, nose, and mouth; the teeth; and portions of the dura. They convey proprioceptive sensation from the teeth, hard palate, temporomandibular joint, and muscles of mastication. The three divisions are as follows:{C}1.=7pt    {C}Ophthalmic. Upper division. Innervates forehead, upper eyelid, cornea (thus the corneal reflex), conjunctiva, dorsum of the nose, and dura of some of the anterior cranial fossa. Leaves orbit through the superior orbital fissure. Proceeds through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus in close relation to the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. Joins other two divisions to form the trigeminal (semilunar, Gasserian) ganglion.{C}2.=7pt   {C}Maxillary. Supplies upper lip, lateral and posterior portions of nose, upper cheek, anterior temple, mucosa of nose, upper jaw, upper teeth, roof of mouth, and dura of part of the middle cranial fossa. The nerve leaves the pterygopalatine fossa, passes through the foramen rotundum, traverses the inferior part of the cavernous sinus, and enters the trigeminal ganglion.{C}3.=7pt   {C}Mandibular. Supplies lower lip, chin, posterior cheek, temple, external ear, mucosa of lower part of mouth, anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and portions of the dura of anterior and middle cranial fossae. Proprioceptive impulses are carried largely in the motor nerve, which is incorporated into the mandibular division. It enters the cranium through the foramen ovale and goes to the trigeminal ganglion.”[color=#3366FF][/color]

Over the course of the torture, in order to inflict the maximal amount of pain and torment, the devices have been upgraded roughly every fortnight with new replacement devices. I believe that the purpose for the replacement is multi-fold. One, new  replacement torture tools have tended to be generally more miniaturized, with dimensions that have been progressively  getting smaller and smaller, from earlier millimeter-sized nanocrystals that were visible to the naked eye albeit  with difficulty, to now, microdevices of microscopic dimensions although the nanofibre and nanodust classes remain  visible to the naked eye.

Apparently the smaller the microscopic devices, the more it is to implement novel sensations that are not only normally not in the set of known human sensory experiences that arise from  normal interactions and communication with the outside world, but also are novel permutations of the known modalities in such unnatural combinations that nature has yet to evolve to produce. The smaller the microscopic devices, the more difficult it is to capture and store as evidence, and innovative and creative thinking is often required to devise ways to capture them both physically and in images. Even without permutating the sensation modalities, the properties of the new and smaller devices are such that they impart pain-affliction abilities that are new and  intense novel tactile and pain sensations that are also uniquely different from the anything experienced by the  brain previously. The implication of significance from all this is that, pain is gradually intensified and alarm to the system is chronically maintained  by upgrading the torture tools.

The fortnightly upgrades also appear to be deliberately designed to circumvent the body’s ability to afford the host some relief through natural adaptive mechanisms, thus driving the body’s natural coping mechanisms to stress loads to a breaking point, while assuring a steady delivery of  a continuous and uninterrupted pain stream.

The ultimate objective in traumatic  mind control torture, according to a memo by a CIA director in 1956 ([color=#3366FF]  makes it clear that the objective is to disintegrate the personality and thus the brain for reprogramming, a diabolic exercise that is the equivalent of  the crimes the Nazis were sent to hang for shortly after WW2. The common name for personality disintegration is madness.[/color]

In case you wondered, I am a 50+ year old black South African female of humble village upbringing and origins. I grew up living along with millions of my fellow South Africans, under the utter insult and abomination that was called ‘apartheid’. While in that beautiful country, I committed no crimes, even against the Apartheid government against which many courageous persons fought and honourably perished in self-defense. I resisted peacefully, like millions of my fellow South Africans. This, I cannot and will never apologize for, just like I will never apologize for exposing this torture crime. I have spent more than thirty (30) years in the United States continuously, more time than I spent in my country of birth, admiring the true character and foundations of this nation while despising those that work to undermine it. During this time, I never once left the United States to visit another country. I am not a terrorist. I have no terrorist friends or acquaintances, although since 2010, I can say now that the torture has acquainted me with anonymous and remote-operating terrorists – the parties that torture me –  who dwarf ISIS and Al Qaeda in barbarism, and who have trillions of dollars at their disposal with which to finance the torture of their innocent fellow citizens with impunity, while celebrating every July 4th, and feigning disbelief at the barbarous and abominable acts of ISIS, incapable of grasping the paradoxical dissonance. I am not a criminal and have no criminal record.


The first letter and attachment are from DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS 1984 microfilms under MKULTRA (84) 002258, published by Research Publication Woodbridge, CT 06525. Some original markings were not retyped, but the content is the same.

The second letter and attachment are from the Warren Commission documents. Notice should be paid to the different tone Helms gives to his letter, keeping in mind he was found guilty of lying to Congress. He places greater emphasis on “Soviet” practices and tries to diminish breakthroughs gained by Americans. Some thought should be given as to WHY the Warren Commission sought such documents (remembering that ALLEN DULLES was a member of that Commission). They were exploring the Manchurian candidate theory. It was revealed during the Church Committee hearings of 1975 that Helms had been in charge of Project AMLASH, a program to assassinate Castro (Cuba),Trujillo (Dominican Republic), Diem (RVN), Schneider (Chile) using MAFIA figures John Roselli and Santos Trafficante to do the job.

Care was used to insure lines appear in same length and order. Page length will have to be adjusted if you desire to print this. Look for other specials soon. David John Moses.


MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
SUBJECT : Brainwashing

The attached study on brainwashing was prepared by my staff in response to the increasing acute interest in the subject throughout the intelligence and security components of the Government. I feel you will find it well worth your personal attention. It represents the thinking of leading psy- chologists, psychiatrists and intelligence specialists, based in turn on interviews with many individuals who have had personal experience with Communist brainwashing, and on extensive research and testing. While individuals specialists hold divergent views on various aspects of this most complex subject, I believe the study reflects a synthesis of majority expert opinion. I will, of course, appreciate any comments on it that you or your staff may have.

Allen W. Dulles


OA 53-37


The report that follows is a condensation of a study by training experts of the important classified and unclassified information available on this subject.


Brainwashing, as a technique, has been used for centuries and is no mystery to psychologists. In this sense, brainwashing means involuntary re-education of basic beliefs and values. All people are being re-educated continually. New information changes one’s beliefs. Everyone has experienced to some degree the conflict that ensues when new information is not consistent with prior belief. The experience of the brainwashed individual differs in that the inconsistent information is forced upon the individual under controlled conditions after the possibility of critical judgment has been removed by a variety of methods.

There is no question that an individual can be broken psychologically by captors with knowledge and willingness to persist in techniques aimed at deliberately destroying the integration of a personality. Although it is probable that everyone reduced to such a confused, disoriented state will respond to the introduction of new beliefs, this cannot be stated dogmatically.


There are progressive steps in exercising control over an individual and changing his behaviour and personality integration. The following five steps are typical of behaviour changes in any controlled individual:

1. Making the individual aware of control is the first stage in changing his behaviour. A small child is made aware of the physical and psychological control of his parents and quickly recognizes that an overwhelming force must be reckoned with. So, a controlled adult comes to recognize the overwhelming powers of the state and the im- personal, “incarcerative” machinery in which he is enmeshed. The individual recognizes that definite limits have been put upon the ways he can respond.

2. Realization of his complete dependence upon the controlling system is a major factor in the controlling of his behavior.The controlled adult is forced to accept the fact that food, tobacco,praise, and the only social contact that he will get come from the very interrogator who exercises control over him.

3. The awareness of control and recognition of dependence result in causing internal conflict and breakdown of previous patterns of behaviour. Although this transition can be relatively mild in the case of a child, it is almost invariably severe for the adult undergoing brainwashing. Only an individual who holds his values lightly can change them easily. Since the brainwasher-interrogators aim to have the individuals undergo profound emotional change, they force their victims to seek out painfully what is desired by the controlling individual. During this period the victim is likely to have a mental breakdown characterized by delusions and hallucinations.

4. Discovery that there is an acceptable solution to his problem is the first stage of reducing the individual’s conflict. It is characteristically reported by victims of brainwashing that this discovery led to an overwhelming feeling of relief that the horror of internal conflict would cease and that perhaps they would not, after all, be driven insane. It is at this point that they are prepared to make major changes in their value-system. This is an automatic rather than voluntary choice. They have lost their ability to be critical.

5. Reintegration of values and identification with the controlling system is the final stage in changing the behaviour of the controlled individual. A child who has learned a new, socially desirable behaviour demonstrates its importance by attempting to adapt the new behaviour to a variety of other situations. Similar states in the brainwashed adult are


pitiful. His new value-system, his manner of perceiving,organizing,and giving meaning to events, is virtually independent of his former value system. He is no longer capable of thinking or speaking in concepts other than those he has adopted. He tends to identify by expressing thanks to his captors for helping him see the light.Brainwashing can be achieved without using illegal means.Anyone willing to use known principles of control and reactions to control and capable of demonstrating the patience needed in raising a child can probably achieve successful brainwashing.


A description of usual communist control techniques follows.

1. Interrogation. There are at least two ways in which “interrogation” is used:

a. Elicitation, which is designed to get the individual to surrender protected information, is a form of interrogation. One major difference between elicitation and interrogation used to achieve brainwashing is that the mind of the individual must be kept clear to permit coherent, undistorted disclosure of protected information.

b. Elicitation for the purpose of brainwashing consists of questioning,argument,indoctrination,threats,cajolery,praise,hostility, and a variety of other pressures. The aim of this interrogation is to hasten the breakdown of the individual’s value system and to encourage the substitution of a different value-system. The procurement of protected information is secondary and is used as a device to increase pressure upon the individual. The term “interrogation” in this paper will refer, in general, to this type. The “interrogator” is the individual who conducts this type of interrogation and who controls the administration of the other pressures. He is the protagonist against whom the victim develops his conflict, and upon whom the victim develops a state of dependency as he seeks some solution to his conflict.

2. Physical Torture and Threats of Torture. Two types of physical torture are distinguishable more by their psychological effect in inducing conflict than by the degree of painfulness:

a. The first type is one in which the victim has a passive role in the pain inflicted on him (e.g.,beatings). His conflict involves the decision of whether or not to give in to demands in order to avoid further pain. Generally, brutality of this type was not found to achieve the desired results. Threats of torture were found more effective, as fear of pain causes greater conflict within the individual than does pain itself.

b. The second type of torture is represented by requiring the individual to stand in one spot for several hours or assume some other pain-inducing position. Such a requirement often engenders in the individual a determination to “stick it out.” This internal act of resistance provide a feeling of moral superiority at first. As time passes and his pain mounts,however, the individual becomes aware that it is his own original determination to resist that is causing the continuance of pain. A conflict develops within the individual between his moral determination and his desire to collapse and discontinue the pain. It is this extra internal conflict, in addition to the conflict over whether or not to give in to the demands made of him, that tends to make this method of torture more effective in the breakdown of the individual personality.

3. Isolation. Individual differences in reaction to isolation are probably greater than to any other method. Some individuals appear to be able to withstand prolonged periods of isolation without deleterious effects, while a relatively short period of isolation reduces others to the verge of psychosis. Reaction varies with the conditions of the isolation cell. Some sources have indicated a strong reaction to filth and vermin, although they had negligible reactions to the isolation. Others reacted violently to isolation in relatively clean cells. The predominant cause of breakdown in such situations is a lack of sensory stimulation (i.e.,grayness of walls,lack of sound,absence of social contact,etc.). Experimental subjects exposed to this condition have reported vivid hallucinations and overwhelming fears of losing their sanity.

4. Control of Communication. This is one of the most effective methods for creating a sense of helplessness and despair. This measure might well be considered the cornerstone of the communist system of control. It consists of strict regulation of the mail,reading materials, broadcast materials, and social contact available to the individual. The need to communicate is so great that when the usual channels are blocked, the individual will resort to any open channel, almost regardless of the implications of using that particular channel. Many POWs in Korea, whose only act of “collaboration” was to sign petitions and “peace appeals,” defended their actions on the ground that this was the only method of letting the outside world know they were still alive. Many stated that their morale and fortitude would have been increased immeasurably had leaflets of encouragement been dropped to them. When the only contact with the outside world is via the interrogator, the prisoner comes to develop extreme dependency on his interrogator and hence loses another prop to his morale.

Another wrinkle in communication control is the informer system. The recruitment of informers in POW camps discouraged communication between inmates.POWs who feared that every act or thought of resistance would be communicated to the camp administrators, lost faith in their fellow man and were forced to “untrusting individualism.” Informers are also under several stages of brainwashing and elicitation to develop and maintain control over the victims.

5. Induction of Fatigue. This is a well-known device for breaking will power and critical powers of judgment. Deprivation of sleep results in more intense psychological debilitation than does any other method of engendering fatigue. The communists vary their methods. “Conveyor belt” interrogation that last 50-60 hours will make almost any individual compromise, but there is danger that this will kill the victim. It is safer to conduct interrogations of 8-10 hours at night while forcing the prisoner to remain awake during the day. Additional interruptions in the remaining 2-3 hours of allotted sleep quickly reduce the most resilient individual . Alternate administration of drug stimulants and depressants hastens the process of fatigue and sharpens the psychological reactions of excitement and depression.

Fatigue, in addition to reducing the will to resist,also produces irritation and fear that arise from increased “slips of the tongue.” forgetfulness, and decreased ability to maintain orderly thought processes.

6. Control of Food,Water and Tobacco. The controlled individual is made intensely aware of his dependence upon his interrogator for the quality and quantity of his food and tobacco. The exercise of this control usually follows a pattern. No food and little or no water is permitted the individual for several days prior to interrogation. When the prisoner first complains of this to the interrogator, the latter expresses surprise at such inhumane treatment. He makes a demand of the prisoner. If the latter complies,he receives a good meal. If he does not, he gets a diet of unappetizing food containing limited vitamins,minerals, and calories. This diet is supplemented occasionally by the interrogator if the prisoner “cooperates.” Studies of controlled starvation indicate that the whole value-system of the subjects underwent a change. Their irritation increased as their ability to think clearly decreased. The control of tobacco presented an even greater source of conflict for heavy smokers. Because tobacco is not necessary to life, being manipulated by his craving for it can in the individual a strong sense of guilt.

7. Criticism and Self-Criticism. There are mechanisms of communist thought control. Self-criticism gains its effectiveness from the fact that although it is not a crime for a man to be wrong, it is a major crime to be stubborn and to refuse to learn. Many individuals feel intensely relieved in being able to share their sense of guilt. Those individuals however, who have adjusted to handling their guilt internally have difficulty adapting to criticism and self-criticism. In brainwashing ,after a sufficient sense of guilt has been created in the individual, sharing and self-criticism permit relief. The price paid for this relief, however, is loss of individuality and increased dependency.

Josh Reeves – The Beatles and the Aquarian Conspiracy. YouTube made on the anniversary of the John Lennon Shooting:

8. Hypnosis and Drugs as Controls. There is no reliable evidence that the communists are making widespread use of drugs or hypnosis in brainwashing or elicitation. The exception to this is the use of common stimulants or depressants in inducing fatigue and “mood swings.”

9. Other methods of control, which when used in conjunction with the basic processes, hasten the deterioration of prisoners’ sense of values and resistance are:

a. Requiring a case history or autobiography of the prisoner provides a mine of information for the interrogator in establishing and “documenting” accusations.

b. Friendliness of the interrogator , when least expected, upsets the prisoner’s ability to maintain a critical attitude.

c. Petty demands, such as severely limiting the allotted time for use of toilet facilities or requiring the POW to kill hundreds of flies, are harassment methods.

d. Prisoners are often humiliated by refusing them the use of toilet facilities during interrogator until they soil themselves. often prisoners were not permitted to bathe for weeks until they felt contemptable.

e. Conviction as a war criminal appears to be a potent factor in creating despair in the individual. One official analysis of the pressures exerted by the ChiComs on “confessors” and “non-confessors” to participation in bacteriological warfare in Korea showed that actual trial and conviction of “war crimes” was overwhelmingly associated with breakdown and confession.

f. Attempted elicitation of protected information at various times during the brainwashing process diverted the individual from awareness of the deterioration of his value-system. The fact that, in most cases, the ChiComs did not want or need such intelligence was not known to the prisoner. His attempts to protect such information was made at the expense of hastening his own breakdown.


From the many fragmentary accounts reviewed, the following appears to be the most likely description of what occurs during brainwashing.

In the period immediately following capture, the captors are faced with the problem of deciding on best ways of exploitation of the prisoners. Therefore, early treatment is similar both for those who are to be exploited through elicitation and those who are to undergo brainwashing. concurrently with being interrogated and required to write a detailed personal history, the prisoner undergoes a physical and psychological “softening-up” which includes: limited unpalatable food rations,withholding of tobacco,possible work details,severely inadequate use of toilet facilities, no use of facilities for personal cleanliness,limitation of sleep such as requiring a subject to sleep with a bright light in his eyes. Apparently the interrogation and autobiographical ,material, the reports of the prisoner’s behaviour in confinement, and tentative “personality typing” by the interrogators, provide the basis upon which exploitation plans are made.

There is a major difference between preparation for elicitation and for brainwashing .Prisoners exploited through elicitation must retain sufficient clarity of thought to be able to give coherent,factual accounts. In brainwashing , on the other hand, the first thing attacked is clarity of thought. To develop a strategy of defense, the controlled individual must determine what plans have been made for his exploitation. Perhaps the best cues he can get are internal reactions to the pressures he undergoes.

The most important aspect of the brainwashing process is the interrogation. The other pressures are designed primarily to help the interrogator achieve his goals. The following states are created systematically within the individual . These may vary in order, but all are necessary to the brainwashing process:

1. A feeling of helplessness in attempting to deal with the impersonal machinery of control.

2. An initial reaction of “surprise.”

3. A feeling of uncertainty about what is required of him.

4. A developing feeling of dependence upon the interrogator.

5. A sense of doubt and loss of objectivity.

6. Feelings of guilt.

7. A questioning attitude toward his own value-system.

8. A feeling of potential “breakdown,” i.e.,that he might go crazy.

9. A need to defend his acquired principles.

10. A final sense of “belonging” (identification).

A feeling of helplessness in the face of the impersonal machinery of control is carefully engendered within the prisoner. The individual who receives the preliminary treatment described above not only begins to feel like an “animal” but also feels that nothing can be done about it. No one pays any personal attention to him. His complaints fall on deaf ears. His loss of communication, if he has been isolated, creates a feeling that he has been “forgotten.”

Everything that happens to him occurs according to an impersonal; time schedule that has nothing to do with his needs. The voices and footsteps of the guards are muted. He notes many contrasts,e.g.,his greasy,unpalatable food may be served on battered tin dishes by guards immaculately dressed in white. The first steps in “depersonalization” of the prisoner have begun. He has no idea what to expect. Ample opportunity is allotted for him to ruminate upon all the unpleasant or painful things that could happen to him. He approaches the main interrogator with mixed feelings of relief and fright.

Surprise is commonly used in the brainwashing process. The prisoner is rarely prepared for the fact that the interrogators are usually friendly and considerate at first. They make every effort to demonstrate that they are reasonable human beings. Often they apologize for bad treatment received by the prisoner and promise to improve his lot if he, too, is reasonable. This behaviour is not what he has steeled himself for. He lets down some of his defenses and tries to take a reasonable attitude. The first occasion he balks at satisfying a request of the interrogator , however, he is in for another surprise. The formerly reasonable interrogator unexpectedly turns into a furious maniac. The interrogator is likely to slap the prisoner or draw his pistol and threaten to shoot him. Usually this storm of emotion ceases as suddenly as it began and the interrogator stalks from the room. These surprising changes create doubt in the prisoner as to his very ability to perceive another person’s motivations correctly. His next interrogation probably will be marked by impassivity in the interrogator ‘s mien.

A feeling of uncertainty about what is required of him is likewise carefully engendered within the individual . Pleas of the prisoner to learn specifically of what he is accused and by whom are side-stepped by the interrogator. Instead, the prisoner is asked to tell why he thinks he is held and what he feels he is guilty of. If the prisoner fails to come up with anything, he is accused in terms of broad generalities (e.g., espionage, sabotage,acts of treason against the “people”). This usually provokes the prisoner to make some statement about his activities. If this take the form of a denial, he is usually sent to isolation on further decreased food rations to “think over” his crimes. This process can be repeated again and again. As soon as the prisoner can think of something that might be considered self-incriminating, the interrogator appears momentarily satisfied. The prisoner is asked to write down his statement in his own words and sign it.

Meanwhile a strong sense of dependence upon the interrogator is developed. It does not take long for the prisoner to realize that the interrogator is the source of all punishment , all gratification,and all communication. The interrogator, meanwhile,demonstrates his unpredictbility. He is perceived by the prisoner as a creature of whim. At times, the interrogator can be pleased very easily and at other times no effort on the part of the prisoner will placate him. The prisoner may begin to channel so much energy into trying to predict the behaviour of the unpredictable interrogator that he loses track of what is happening inside himself.

After the prisoner has developed the above psychological and emotional reactions to a sufficient degree, the brainwashing begins in earnest. First, the prisoner’s remaining critical faculties must be destroyed. He undergoes long, fatiguing interrogations while looking at a bright light. He is called back again and again for interrogations after minimal sleep. He may undergo torture that tends to create internal conflict. Drugs may be used to accentuate his “mood swings.” He develops depression when the interrogator is being kind and becomes euphoric when the interrogator is threatening the direst penalties. Then the cycle is reversed. The prisoner finds himself in a constant state of anxiety which prevents him from relaxing even when he is permitted to sleep. Short periods of isolation now bring on visual and auditory hallucinations. The prisoner feels himself losing his objectivity. It is in this state that the prisoner must keep up an endless argument with the interrogator . He may be faced with the confessions of other individuals who “collaborated” with him in his crimes. The prisoner seriously begins to doubts his own memory. This feeling is heightened by his inability to recall little things like the names of the people he knows very well or the date of his birth. The interrogator patiently sharpens this feeling of doubt by more questioning. This tends to create a serious state of uncertainty when the individual has lost most of his critical faculties.

The prisoner must undergo additional internal conflict when strong feelings of guilt are aroused within him. As any clinical psychologist is aware, it is not at all difficult to create such feelings. Military servicemen are particularly vulnerable. No one can morally justify killing even in wartime. The usual justification is on the grounds of necessity or self-defense. The interrogator is careful to circumvent such justification. He keeps the interrogation directed toward the prisoner’s moral code. Every moral vulnerability is exploited by incessant questioning along this line until the prisoner begins to question the very fundamentals of his own value-system. The prisoner must constantly fight a potential breakdown. He finds that his mind is “going blank” for longer and longer periods of time. He can not think constructively. If he is to maintain any semblance of psychological integrity, he must bring to an end this state of interminable internal conflict. He signifies a willingness to write a confession.

If this were truly the end, no brainwashing would have occurred. The individual would simply have given in to intolerable pressure. Actually, the final stage of the brainwashing process has just begun. No matter what the prisoner writes in his confession the interrogator is not satisfied. The interrogator questions every sentence of the confession. He begins to edit it with the prisoner. The prisoner is forced to argue against every change. This is the essence of brainwashing. Every time that he gives in on a point to the interrogator, he must re-write his whole confession. Still the interrogator is not satisfied. In a desperate attempt to maintain some semblance of integrity and to avoid further brainwashing, the prisoner must begin to argue that what he has already confessed to is true. He begins to accept as his own the statements he has written. He uses many of the interrogator’s earlier arguments to buttress his position. By this process,identification with the interrogator’s value-system becomes complete. It is extremely important to recognize that a qualitative change has taken place within the prisoner. The brainwashed victim does not consciously change his value-system; rather the change occurs despite his efforts. He is no more responsible for this change than is an individual who “snaps” and becomes psychotic. And like the psychotic, the prisoner is not even aware of the transition.


1. Training of Individuals potentially subject to communist control.

Training should provide for the trainee a realistic appraisal of what control pressures the communists are likely to exert and what the usual human reactions are to such pressures. The trainee must learn the most effective ways of combatting his own reactions to such pressures and he must learn reasonable expectations as to what his behaviour should be. Training has two decidedly positive effects; first, it provides the trainee with ways of combatting control; second, it provides the basis for developing an immeasurable boost in morale. Any positive action that the individual can take, even if it is only slightly effective, gives him a sense of control over a situation that is otherwise controlling him.

2. Training must provide the individual with the means of recognizing realistic goals for himself.

a. Delay in yielding may be the only achievement that can be hoped for. In any particular operation, the agent needs the support of knowing specifically how long he must hold out to save an operation, protect his cohorts, or gain some other goal.

b. The individual should be taught how to achieve the most favorable treatment and how to behave and make necessary concessions to obtain minimum penalties.

c. Individual behavioural responses to the various communist control pressures differ markedly. Therefore, each trainee should know his own particular assets and limitations in resisting specific pressures. He can learn these only under laboratory conditions simulating the actual pressures he may have to face.

d. Training must provide knowledge of the goals and the restrictions placed upon his communist interrogator. The trainee should know what controls are on his interrogator and to what extent he can manipulate the interrogator. For example, the interrogator is not permitted to fail to gain “something” from the controlled individual. The knowledge that, after the victim has proved that he is a “tough nut to crack” he can sometimes indicate that he might compromise on some little point to help the interrogator in return for more favorable treatment, may be useful indeed. Above all, the potential victim of communist control can gain a great deal of psychological support from the knowledge that the communist interrogator is not a completely free agent who can do whatever he wills with his victim.

e. The trainee must learn what practical cues might aid him in recognizing the specific goals of his interrogator. The strategy of defense against elicitation may differ markedly from the strategy to prevent brainwashing. To prevent elicitation, the individual may hasten his own state of mental confusion; whereas, to prevent brainwashing, maintaining clarity of thought processes is imperative.

f. The trainee should obtain knowledge about communist “carrots” as well as “sticks.” The communists keep certain of their promises and always renege on others. For example, the demonstrable fact that “informers” receive no better treatment than other prisoners should do much to prevent this particular evil. On the other hand, certain meaningless concessions will often get a prisoner a good meal.

g. In particular, it should be emphasized to the trainee that, although little can be done to control the pressures exerted upon him, he can learn something about controlling his personal reactions to specific pressures. The trainee can gain much from learning something about internal conflict and conflict-producing mechanisms. He should learn to recognize when someone is trying to arouse guilt feelings and what behavioural reactions can occur as a response to guilt.

h. Finally, the training must teach some methods that can be utilized in thwarting particular communist control techniques:

Elicitation. In general, individuals who are the hardest to interrogate for information are those who have experienced previous interrogations. Practice in being the victim of interrogation is a sound training device.

Torture. The trainee should learn something about the principles of pain and shock. There is a maximum to the amount of pain that can actually be felt. Any amount of pain can be tolerated for a limited period of time. In addition, the trainee can be fortified by the knowledge that there are legal limitations upon the amount of torture that can be inflicted by communist jailors.

Isolation. The psychological effects of isolation can probably be thwarted best by mental gymnastics and systematic efforts on the part of the isolate to obtain stimulation for his neural end organs.

Controls on Food and Tobacco. Foods given by the communists will always be enough to maintain survival. Sometimes the victim gets unexpected opportunities to supplement his diet with special minerals,vitamins and other nutrients (e.g.,”iron” from the rust of prison bars). In some instances, experience has shown that individuals could exploit refusal to eat. Such refusal usually resulted in the transfer of the individual to a hospital where he received vitamin injections and nutritious food. Evidently attempts of this kind to commit suicide arouse the greatest concern in communist officials. If deprivation of tobacco is the control being exerted. the victim can gain moral satisfaction from “giving up” tobacco. He can’t lose since he is not likely to get any anyway.

Fatigue. The trainee should learn reactions to fatigue and how to overcome them insofar as possible. For example, mild physical exercise “clears the head” in a fatigue state.

Writing Personal Accounts and Self-Criticism. Experience has indicated that one of the most effective ways of combatting these pressures is to enter into the spirit with an overabundance of enthusiasm. Endless written accounts of inconsequential material have virtually “smothered” some eager interrogators. In the same spirit, sober, detailed self-criticisms of the most minute “sins” has sometimes brought good results.

Guidance as to the priority of positions he should defend. Perfectly compatible responsibilities in the normal execution of an individual’s duties may become mutually incompatible in this situation. Take the example of a senior grade military officer. He has the knowledge of sensitive strategic intelligence which it is his duty to protect. He has the responsibility of maintaining the physical fitness of his men and serving as a model example for their behaviour. The officer may go to the camp commandant to protest the treatment of the POWs and the commandant assures him that treatment could be improved if he will swap something for it. Thus to satisfy one responsibility he must compromise another. The officer, in short, is in a constant state of internal conflict. But if the officer is given the relative priority of his different responsibilities, he is supported by the knowledge that he won’t be held accountable for any other behaviour if he does his utmost to carry out his highest priority responsibility. There is considerable evidence that many individuals tried to evaluate the priority of their responsibilities on their own, but were in conflict over whether others would subsequently accept their evaluations. More than one individual was probably brainwashed while he was trying to protect himself against elicitation.


The application of known psychological principles can lead to an understanding of brainwashing.

1. There is nothing mysterious about personality changes resulting from the brainwashing process.

2. Brainwashing is a complex process. Principles of motivation, perception, learning, and physiological deprivation are needed to account for the results achieved in brainwashing.

3. Brainwashing is an involuntary re-education of the fundamental beliefs of the individual. To attack the problem successfully, the brain-washing process must be differentiated clearly from general education methods for thought-control or mass indoctrination, and elicitation.

4. It appears possible for the individual,through training,to develop limited defensive techniques against brainwashing. Such defensive measures are likely to be most effective if directed toward thwarting individual emotional reactions to brainwashing techniques rather than toward thwarting the techniques themselves.

15 August 1955

(note Declassified)



19 JUN 1964

(Commission No. 1131)

General Counsel
President’s Commission on the
Assassination of President Kennedy

SUBJECT : Soviet Brainwashing Techniques

1. Reference is made to your memorandum of 19 May 1964, requesting that materials relative to Soviet techniques in mind conditioning and brainwashing be made available to the Commission.

2. At my request, experts on these subjects within the CIA have prepared a brief survey of Soviet research in the direction and control of human behavior, a copy of which is attached. The Commission may retain this document. Please note that the use of certain sensitive materials requires that a sensitivity indicator be affixed.

3. In the immediate future, this Agency will make available to you a collection of overt and classified materials on these subjects, which the Commission may retain.

4. I hope that these documents will be responsive to the Commission’s needs.


(DECLASSIFIED) Richard Helms
(By C.I.A.) Deputy Director for Plans
(letter of ___________)




SUBJECT: Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior.

1. There are two major methods of altering or controlling human behavior, and the Soviets are interested in both. The first is psychological; the second, pharmacological. The two may be used as individual methods or for mutual reinforcement. For long-term control of large numbers of people, the former method is more promising than the latter. In dealing with individuals, the U.S. experience suggests the pharmacological approach (assisted by psychological techniques) would be the only effective method. Neither method would be very effective for single individuals on a long term basis.

2. Soviet research on the pharmacological agents producing behavioral effects has consistently lagged about five years behind Western research. They have been interested in such research, however, and are now pursuing research on such chemicals as LSD-25, amphetamines, tranquillizers, hypnotics, and similar materials. There is no present evidence that the Soviets have any singular, new, potent drugs to force a course of action on an individual. They are aware, however, of the tremendous drive produced by drug addiction, and PERHAPS could couple this with psychological direction to achieve control of an individual.

3. The psychological aspects of behavior control would include not only conditioning by repetition and training, but such things as hypnosis, deprivation, isolation, manipulation of guilt feelings, subtle or overt threats, social pressure, and so on. Some of the newer trends in the USSR are as follows:

a. The adoption of a multidisciplinary approach integrating biological,social and physical-mathematical research in attempts better to understand, and eventually, to control human behavior in a manner consonant with national plans.

b. The outstanding feature, in addition to the interdisciplinary approach, is a new concern for mathematical approaches to an understanding of behavior. Particularly notable are attempts to use modern information theory, automata theory, and feedback concepts in interpreting the mechanisms by which the “second signal system,” i.e., speech and associated phenomena, affect human behavior. Implied by this “second signal system,” using INFORMATION inputs as causative agents rather than chemical agents, electrodes or other more exotic techniques applicable, perhaps, to individuals rather than groups.

c. This new trend, observed in the early Post-Stalin Period, continues. By 1960 the word “cybernetics” was used by the Soviets to designate this new trend. This new science is considered by some as the key to understanding the human brain and the product of its functioning –psychic activity and personality–to the development of means for controlling it and to ways for molding the character of the “New Communist Man”. As one Soviet author puts it: Cybernetics can be used in “molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns…all functions which can be summarized as ‘control’ of the growth process of the individual.” 1/Students of particular disciplines in the USSR, such as psychologist and social scientists, also support the general cybernetic trend. 2/ (Blanked by CIA)

4. In summary, therefore, there is no evidence that the Soviets have any techniques or agents capable of producing particular behavioral patterns which are not available in the West. Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology forcontrolling the development of behavioral patterns among the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system. Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the “coding” of information for transmittal to population targets in the “battle for the minds of men.” Some of the more esoteric techniques such as ESP or, as the Soviets call it, “biological radio-communication”, and psychogenic agents such as LSD, are receiving some overt attention with, possibly, applications in mind for individual behavior control under clandestine conditions. However, we require more information than is currently available in order to establish or disprove planned or actual applications of various methodologies by Soviet scientists to the control of actions of articular individuals.


1. Itelson, Lev, “Pedagogy: An Exact Science?” USSR October 1963, p. 10.

2. Borzek, Joseph, “Recent Developments in Soviet Psychology,” Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 15, 1964, p. 493-594.

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Targeted individuals are tortured to death and Manchurian andidates are created, exploited, used for assassinations and false flag terror attacks, school shootings, etc and eliminated. This explains the phenomena known as ‘spontaneous combustion’. I wonder if political figures are blackmailed into promulgating and enforcing the protocolsa of the NWO agenda with fear of induced insanity and a slow agonizing death of self and family members ?

We were Tortured, Drugged & Bugged! Targeting, Gang-Stalking, Covert Drugging, HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, Morgellons Microwaves, Energetic, Entomological, and Genetic weapons, the silent warfare of Mind Control in America & abroad. Illuminating darkness: By Timothy Trespas, innocent human victims of the New World Order.

Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head! MICROWAVE HEATING, HEARING, REMOTE NEURAL CONNECTION, REMOTE MIND CONTROL, AND MIND READING TECHNOLOGY, DEPLOYED AND BEING USED ON YOU! Doubt it? Read the report…

Feb 18, 2008 by Lisa Zyga
Department of Defense

A recently unclassified report from the Pentagon from 1998 has revealed an investigation into using laser beams for a few intriguing potential methods of non-lethal torture. Some of the applications the report investigated include putting voices in people’s heads, using lasers to trigger uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human body to a point of feverish confusion – all from hundreds of meters away.

A US citizen requested access to the document, entitled “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons,” under the Freedom of Information Act a little over a year ago. There is no evidence that any of the technologies mentioned in the 10-year-old report have…

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