Open Letter to ISIL Stooges

To the IS-ISIL -ISIS or WTF you call yourselves rank and file jihadis don’t you know you are being manipulated by your enemies. Israel is dancing in the streets with joy every time you behead some American or British journalist,  The American people do not want war, journalists do not want war. Only the Zionist banks and multi-national corporations want war. If you want to succeed in establishing a Caliphate , it must be done through justice, and moderation and progressive reform.  The American people are horrified by the beheadings, it is true. We don’t matter. The Zionist banks that control western  false democracies will do whatever they want regardless of what their people want. It sure was easy for you to seize power, was it not ?  A Modern American war machine with assorted tanks, vehicles and weaponry was literally handed to you wasn’t it ?

Did you ever think you were being set up and used by the Puppet Masters of Global Empire ? Maybe you are dummies.

You ISIS stand to be pulverized into the sands of history not because the American people want to destroy Islam, but because your methods play into the stereotype designed by your Zionist enemies who manipulate public opinion and orchestrate global events to serve their own imperial capitalist profit motives.

Denounce your beheadings, reform your political goals. You are not attacking the right people. You need to kill the right people, the heads of snakes and  the snake oil companies and snake  families, not innocent journalists who only seek the truth and may be your best allies in exposing the global corruption, conspiracy and war profiteering that is consuming mankind and sacrificing the souls of Muslims and Christians alike.

A world united in peace and brotherhood is the only way to destroy the great Satanic New World Empire. You have become the servants of the Zionist cabal of evil capitalist imperialism yourselves. I repeat, you are not beheading the right people.

If only IS could get IT right, right ? Here are some beheadings the world might enjoy watching:


This would be ” Curious George Loses his Head ”


…And this would be Dick-Head(less) Cheney.


.. And what about Benji ? ” Mission Accomplished “.

But no, you  foolish stooges and pawns of the New World Order kill innocent journalists and aid workers.

Even I want you all dead, as much as I reject the crooked capitalism and corporate crime that spreads universal war profiteering and mass murder across the planet. Please go to hell, go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200., but please take the puppet masters with you, all of them, and perhaps history will memorialize you as true martyrs for social justice.

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